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Though I wasn't sure Aurélien could keep a secret for a long time, I trusted that he would take this one seriously, as it could ruin both his relationship with Jude if we were wrong or it could ruin Jude and Josie's relationship, which evidently didn't seem too bad.

I was sat, as always, in the stands, watching the boys train, awaiting the arrival of the fetish girl. I say Aurélien glance up at me sometimes, as well as look in the direction of the entrance for any sign of the ginger. Though when training had almost finished and I was starting to lose hope when I heard the familiar screech of a rat, or rather, Josie.

I glanced at Aurélien, wow as already looking up at me with a smirk, knowing what we had planned.

I got up from my seat and slowly walked down to the field, stopping at the rails, pretending to watch the team up close while listening in on what Josie and Jude were saying.

"I'm almost done with training, you can wait up in the cafeteria," he said to her, running back on the field.

As Josie goes back into the corridor, I cautiously follow her, all the way to the second floor cafeteria. As I see her sit down at one of the tables, I take a seat at the bar, looking out at the field while making sure I had a perfect view of her as well.

She was on her phone, taking ridiculous pictures of herself and the pitch, not even noticing I was eyeing her. But I wasn't interested in any of that, J was only waiting for another phone call where she would confirm her intentions.

To my avail and after several minutes, she didn't get a phone call and I had to torture myself by watching her do duckfaces and peace signs toward her phone. Even the bartender whispered to me that he would rather have a bottle of Sriracha poured into his eyes than have to witness that again, making me laugh a bit too much.

Sadly, training was already over and the first person to walk in the cafeteria was Jude, changed into norm clothes and walking up to the girl. I quickly turned around, my back facing him to avoid any interaction, which did not work.

"Vásquez, aren't you supposed to be working?" He asked, making me pissed off.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the operating room getting the foot out of your ass?" I snap back, making the girl give me rude look, scoffing and looking up at Jude, expecting him to do the same, but instead, he looks at me amusingly, and walks away, an arm slung around her shoulder.

Right at that time, Aurélien walks through the door, coming up to me to expect evidence of her cheating and manipulation, but was disappointed when I shook my head.

"I don't think this will work," he said, slumped in a chair.

"You're right, I can't stand having to watch her for a minute longer," I replied, receiving a confirming nod from the bartender.

"We need a new plan," he said, already making me groan as I know I had a long and tiring night ahead of me.

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