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Mackenzie look above^^
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South Haven High School was engulfed in flames. Rogues were fleeing from the scene, some being chased by pack members. Dead bodies were everywhere, broken glass scattered across the ground. "Mackenzie!" I heard my father yell as I saw to figures running towards me. "Mackenzie are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"Dad, I'm fine. I can protect my self even if a rogue came after me." I said trying to assure him.

"Well this school is obviously not in condition to be open tomorrow or at least until next year for that matter" my mom said while grabbing my dad's hand trying to calm him. His eyes were pitch black with anger. "We will have to find you and the other pack teenagers a school to go to until further notice." I nodded my head and walked away from my fuming father.

I searched around the field looking for my younger brother, Henry, making sure he was okay. I found him by the parking lot talking with a group of people about the situation at hand. "Hey little brother," I said while waving his friends away. "Mom said we have to go to a different school, because this one is in shambles."

"Cool! Good! I hated this school!" He yelled as his face lit up like a light bulb. I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm.

"I'm glad you're excited about this, too bad you will probably have to wake up earlier than usual though." I stated while ruffling his dark blonde hair. Right at that moment his face of excitement turned to a face of utter horror.

"No! We already have to wake up so early!" He whimpered. Just then, my other brother Graham pulled up in his black truck to pick.

"Hey losers!" He joked as he honked his horn.

"What's up Graham cracker?" Henry and I said in unison.

"Picking up you two," he said "so you guys better be nice to me!" It was probably my dad's orders, so we get home safe I guess. We decided not to say anything and got into Graham's car. Graham is 19 and he is the oldest out of all the Bryant kids. I being 17 and Henry 16. While climbing into the front seat of the car, I caught a glimpse of myself in the wing mirror and I did not look pretty.

As soon as my butt hit the seat of the car I pulled out a mirror and checked my appearance. My brown hair was tangled and as frizzy as ever, my hazel eyes were puffy from the stress of the attack. I noticed a pair of brown eyes staring at me from the drivers seat. It was Graham. "What do you not look like your normal beauty queen status you try to obtain?" I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"At least I look better than you." I said while brushing down my hair with my fingers. The rest of the drive home was utter silence while I fixed my appearance and Henry played on his phone. About five minutes later we pulled up onto my pack territory. My dad was the Alpha of the Steel Fang pack, so we live in the big Alpha's house in the middle of the territory.

Sooner than I expected we were at our house, I got out of the car and made my way to the front door of the house where I was greeted by the pack Beta, Emmet, who was also my dad's best friend.

"Hello Princess," Emmet said with a smile. He has called me that since I was a little kid and when I hurt my ankle while running. It's kind of a long lasting joke I guess. "Your parents are waiting for you and Henry." He said while opening the doors to the house. I strolled into the house to see my mother and father standing in the corridor, obviously waiting for mine and Henry's arrival. They looked worried. Henry then walked into the house with Graham my far behind.

"Henry, Mackenzie, we have to talk about your new school" my father said sternly.

"Your dad has denied every school option I have brought up. All the ones that are near by were shot down." My mom said with a bit of harshness in her voice. I was shocked. My mom always was so calm and mellow.

"Well what about Westview" Henry suggested.

"WESTVIEW?!" My dad yelled.

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