Chapter Twenty

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I woke up with a massive craving for rocky road ice cream. The DVD sign was flashing across the TV screen. I shut off the TV and a shooting pain erupted in my neck. There was kink in my neck from sleeping on the couch. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms.

Victoria was still asleep, sprawled out like an X. Half her body was hanging off of the couch like limp noodles. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch and stumbled over towards Victoria.

"Waaaake uuuuuuup!" I whined while shaking her shoulder. She grumbled at me and rolled over. I put my hands on my hips at her defiance. "If you don't get up, I'm going to sit on you!"

"Fine." She groaned as she slowly sat up. "I want stir fry."

"Well, I want ice cream. Let's go find our baes, so they can get us food." I spoke cheerfully, internally laughing that I said "bae". She stood up from the couch and we walked to the study to see if the boys were there. No boys.

We walked upstairs to the rooms to check. I walked to my room and quietly opened the door. There was a loud creaking noise that would surely disturb anyone in a twenty mile radius.

A big pile of blankets and pillows laid across the bed. In between the mass of fabric was Grayson. Dead asleep. I slowly walked towards the bed, inching closer to the sleeping man. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. He doesn't look so stern or aggressive. I looked at him for a while, actually I kind of spaced out.

An arm snaked around my waist and pulled me towards the bed. The shock brought me back into my mind as I tumbled to the bed. Grayson and I were face to face, our noses touching. I was on top of him, looking down into his bright blue eyes. His face was stubbly, he must have not shaved for a bit. He flashed his signature smirk at me, I could feel myself blush. "Good morning." he whispered. I smiled, kissed him on the cheek and got up to hurry off to shower.

I hadn't showered in such a long time, who knows how bad I smell. I scurried to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. All my wounds and bruises had healed. I skimmed my face briefly before turning on the shower.

The cold water sent tingles down my spine, I felt refreshed after stepping out of the bathtub. I walked out of the bathroom in my towel to grab clothes. Grayson had left the room, I guess he had stuff to do. I shrugged and went back to the bathroom to change. My outfit consisted of a blue flowy shirt, gray joggers and black high top converse. I put my hair into a side braid and exited the bathroom. I was surprised to find Grayson sitting on the bed, holding a white, ceramic bowl.

"What's that?" I spoke questioningly.

"Well Victoria came in and said that you wanted ice cream. She didn't tell me what kind, so I got your favorite. Rocky road." He grinned. I walked towards the bed and sat down on beside him. Grayson pushed the bowl into my hands, I ate the dessert while we discussed names for our child.

Then it hit me, my father had died. It hit me like a punch in the stomach. How does my mom feel about this? Is she okay? God, I lost my father...because of my brother. Grayson must've noticed me tense up and looked over. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about my dad." He put his arm around me, I leaned in to his chest. The smell of his cologne soothed me and I started to calm down. I had finished my breakfast of champions, and we headed down stairs.

Grayson was treating me like I was the most fragile thing in the world. He barely let me get off the couch, and like twenty guards surrounded me at all times. Kian had made Victoria sit on the couch with me as well. This didn't help our mood swings at all. "Guys," I whined "we don't need this much protection!"

"Yes you guys do, you are pregnant and are at high risk of getting hurt." Grayson argued as he walked towards the study. I sighed in defeat and slouched down on the couch. Grayson and Caspar were working on treaties with other packs in case we get into another war. It all seemed quite boring to me, which is probably why I wasn't involved.

"What's up, ladies?" Winston asked while jumping next to me on the couch.

"Oh you know, just being overly protected." Victoria said shooting a scowl towards Kian, who dismissed it with a smile. Poppy soon joined us in the living room. Poppy was quite the Harry Potter fan just like me, so we watched the first few movies. We had to ignore Victoria and Winston's many protests. Victoria liked the last three movies the best, because they had more action and romance. To make Winston feel better, we watched a few more action like movies. Poppy had fallen asleep in Winston's lap.

"So, she's knows about Caspar?" He asked. Victoria and I nodded as a reply.

"What about Caspar?" Kian interrupted.

"Oh it's nothing." Victoria answered, giving him the just-drop-it look. He backed away and went towards the kitchen, probably to eat.

"Should I confront him about it?" I asked in a low whisper. The two shared a glance then Winston answered.

"Sure, if you want the poor guy to be embarrassed." He was right, I should keep quiet. I nodded in response and stood up from the couch. Guards swarmed around me.

"Calm down guys, I'm going to the bathroom." They stepped away and let me walk to the bathroom. I strolled through the door and in front of the mirror. God, my baby bump was getting big. I can't wait until my little bundle of joy is born.

After my brief tinkle, I decided to go check on Grayson in the study. I opened the dark wood double doors and stepped in the room. Grayson and Caspar were sitting side by side, in dead silence, looking over papers. "How's it going, guys?" I asked while walking towards the two. Grayson looked up from the papers and smiled. Caspar glanced forward and waved. I acknowledged them both with a smile.

"How is everything going in the living room?" Grayson spoke.

"We watched some Harry Potter movies!" I beamed.

"Oh of course." He sighed, I laughed at his reaction. Caspar looked a bit unsettled and was fidgeting a lot.

"I am going to go grab some food." He said frantically and walked out the door. Grayson shrugged and looked back at me. I walked next to him and ran a hand through his hair.

"How's the baby?" He asked, putting a hand on my baby bump.

"The baby is good, I'm not totally reckless, ya know."

"I know that, I'm just making sure." He laughed. I sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him place a kiss on my forehead as I snuggled up against his chest. "You are the best thing in my life. I love you, Mackenzie Ann Bryant."

"I love you too, Grayson James Sterling."

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