Chapter Eleven

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Caspar look above^^
Victoria backed up and revealed who was in the doorway. It was Kian. "Mate." She said again. Her eyes never leaving his.

"Should we go get to know each other, alone?" Kian asked while motioning out the door. Victoria nodded and soon they were both gone. Winston and I couldn't help but laugh at how love struck they both were.

"So," Winston started "if Victoria found her mate here does that mean I will find mine?"

"I don't know Winston, that's up to the moon goddess." I answered.

"Well I just want to stay here with my best friends, Drew and Brooklyn are nice and all but they are all over each other. Now that Victoria will be leaving to stay here I'm going to be third wheeling all the time."

"You could say you are staying for the food." I joked motioning down to his empty plate he licked clean.

"I could do that!"

"No, no I was kidding. That's not quite a valid reason to leave your pack. Here, you can stay a couple days and we can try to find your mate." I offered before he went off to do something crazy. We walked back to house after I finished eating. "I'm going to go tell Grayson about Victoria and that you'll be staying a couple days." He nodded while plopping down on the couch.
I walked to the study and right when I was about to knock on the door,

"Put extra guards on the territory line. Make sure no one passes through." I heard Grayson order.

"Yes sir." Spoke a chorus of replies.
I decided to walk in right when right as they finished talking.

"Hey, babe" he greeted as I sat on his desk.

"So guess what happened today!" I blurted, I was too excited to contain myself.

"What?" He cautioned.

"Victoria found her mate! And it is Kian!"

"Well that's great. I assume she will be joining our pack then. I will contact Alpha Clint about the switch." Grayson said, I knew he was excited but he was trying to contain himself.

"Oh, and also Winston is going to stay a couple days." I added. "I hope that's okay."

"That's fine." I gave him a hug and started to walk out of the room.
I walked into the living room to find Winston, asleep on the couch. I sat down on his stomach to wake him up.

"What the hell?"

"Get up I need to show you to your room if you are going to sleep!"

"I get to stay?"

"Of course you do." I beamed. I got up and showed him around the bottom floor. Then I showed him his room upstairs. It was very similar to my room except this one doesn't have a bathroom connected to it and it's a bit smaller.

"Thanks, Mack." He said while throwing the bag he brought at the bed. We went back downstairs after the tour and watched the Jurassic Park films. I planned to watch these with Victoria, but she went off somewhere with Kian. Victoria loves Jurassic Park that's why I planned it, but I'm glad she found her mate.

Victoria and Kian came back, finally. She arrived during the third Jurassic Park movie. "Oh my god guys! You are watching Jurassic Park without me?!" She cried. We laughed as she ran and jumped over the couch and onto me.

"We only watched them, because you were with Kian and we had nothing else to do." I corrected. Kian sat down next to us and lifted Victoria off of me and onto his lap.

"Hey Vic, are you marked?" Winston asked while shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"As a matter of fact, I am." She replied confidently. Winston and I shared a glance then laughed. Kian and Victoria did make quite the cute couple.

"I guessed that you are joining the pack, especially now that you are fully claimed. I asked Grayson to inform my dad that you will be and that Winston is staying for a couple days." I added.

"Oh yay, Winston is staying for a bit!" Victoria beamed.

"Of course I am, I need friends. Your brother and Brooklyn are getting boring." Winston interjected. Victoria and I laughed. "And besides, I'd rather be the fifth wheel of my two best friends than the third wheel of my other friends." The four of us finished watching Jurassic Park 3, I wish Grayson would have watched it with us. He's always was locked up in his office. I know he has Alpha duties and all, but I would like for us to hang out sometimes.

"You okay, Mack?" Winston said while tapping me on the shoulder. I guess I spaced for a second.

"Huh, yeah I'm fine."

I got up and went to the study where I suspected Grayson was. "Grayson, I need to talk to you." He looked up from his papers.

"What's up?"

"I want us to spend a day together. No Alpha duties, let Caspar take over for the day." He seemed a bit shocked by my demand.

"Okay, that's fine. I will give Caspar the news." I smiled and sat down on him.

"I'm glad you are doing this for me." I said while cuddling up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Why haven't you claimed me yet?"

"What? I thought you didn't want to, I was waiting for you to be ready." Grayson explained. I don't know if I'm ready or not. I thought he just didn't want to mark me.

"I-I just thought you didn't to claim me, and I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I have always wanted to claim you, I just wanted to wait until you were ready." He said while kissing my forehead.

I left him back to his work and went to the living room. Victoria was asleep in Kian's lap and Winston was playing another movie. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked Kian and Winston. Winston nodded. He's always hungry, I don't know why I even asked. I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us. I made chicken and extra rice, so Victoria could eat that since she loves it so much. I prepared an extra plate for Grayson to eat.

"Grayson!" I yelled through halls "Dinner is ready!" Kian woke up Victoria and we sat at the table to eat. I saved a seat next to me for Grayson to sit, speaking of he came out moments later to eat. He grabbed his plate and brought it to the table and sat in the vacant seat next to me.

"I love the rice!" Victoria managed to say in between bites. I'm glad I made extra, the boys were eating enough for three people alone. After everyone finished, I made Grayson stay out of the office for the rest of the night. Winston and I did the dishes while Kian, Victoria and Grayson picked out movies.

"Is he treating you nice?" Winston asked as I scrubbed the pot I made rice in.

"He's great, no need to worry." I smiled while handing him the pot to dry.
We finished washing dishes and joined the other three in picking out movies. I made them watch both Deathly Hallows movies since I love them so much. I cried at the part where Fred died and when Remus and his wife were dead holding hands. Grayson tried to comfort me, but it was so sad. YOU CANT KILL OFF ONE TWIN.

"Hey bro, if you want her to stop crying, you have to give her a big hug. Hugs always calm her down." Winston said matter of factly. Grayson didn't seem happy about the thought of me hugging someone else. He listened to what Grayson said though and wrapped his arms around me. I actually did calm down after that, man Winston really knew his stuff about me. I guess being friends for life really helped.

I fell asleep in Grayson's arms and was soon being carried upstairs to my room. I suspected that it was Grayson carrying me, but I didn't want to open my eyes. Once I was set down on the bed I felt Grayson brush a piece of hair out of my face. "I love you." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

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