Chapter Fourteen

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Poppy look above^^
"G-Graham?!" I stuttered "You are working for rogues?"

"Oh no little sister, you must be confused. I don't work for them, I rule them."

"That's impossible. You are a part of the Steel Fang pack. You are the sole heir. How could you do this to our family?!"

"You see, I had found my mate. I found her weeks before you found Grayson." He spoke, his words like venom. "She rejected me, because she was in love with that sorry excuse of a mate. I, over time became insane wanting his utter demise. You, being his mate, are the only thing he cares about. If I get rid of you, he'll have to go through everything I did. Except worse."

"Grayson will find me. I know he will." I sneered at him. I tried to mind link Grayson.

'Help, Grayson please help.'
"Don't try and mind link him." Graham said while clenching his fists. "We injected you with liquid silver. That will stop your ability to mind link and heal fast for a short period of time." I growled at his comment, how could he. I am his sister, he's planning on killing his sister.

"Where the hell am I?!" I shouted.

"You are somewhere no one can find." I attempted to jump out at him, but the chain held me back.

"How did you get past pack borders?!" I demanded while regaining my strength.

"We have an eye on the inside, they let us in. They'll be joining us soon, don't worry." An eye on the inside?! A traitor?! Who would do that to the pack, to Grayson? I couldn't take this anymore. I passed out on the cold stone floor of the cell.

I was on a rampage, breaking one thing after the next. Victoria was crying, Kian comforting her. Mackenzie was gone, rogues got her. How could I have let this happen?! I should have been with her. No, she should have had guards with her, Caspar should have been with her. Kian...someone. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WITH HER!" I yelled walking towards Caspar. "YOU WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING, YOU PRACTICALLY GAVE THEM TO HER!" Caspar had coward away in fear. He was backed up against a wall. I turned to Kian. "AND YOU! YOU ARE HER PERSONAL GUARD! YOU SHOULD HAVE MADE SURE SHE WAS SAFE AND GUARDED BY SOMEONE ELSE BEFORE YOU WALKED AWAY!"

"Grayson! Stop yelling, yelling won't bring her back here!" Victoria shouted in between sobs. She was right, I knew that. I was just too angry. I tried to mind link Mackenzie, her mind was blocked off. Liquid silver.

"Alpha, we will get her back." Caspar said walking closer to me.

"I will go and get her." I announced.

"You can't do that, you'll be killed. They have you severely out numbered. I will go, they will let me in."

"How are you so sure of that?!" I could feel the anger surge back into me.

"I-I work for them...I have been giving them information about you and her." Caspar confessed. My wolf went wild, I punched him in the face. Kian and Winston were trying to hold me back. More guards had rushed in and we're trying to hold me back.

"Hear him out," Kian said reassuringly "he has a plan." I calmed down a bit.

"They are expecting me there tomorrow." Caspar explained while recovering from my punch. "They want information about you going insane because Mackenzie is gone."

"They?! Who is they?!"

"Her brother, Graham." At that moment Victoria sprung up from her seat and Winston looked up.

"Graham? There is no way Graham would hurt her." Winston denied.

"Yeah, there's no way in hell. He's protected her with his life since she was born." Victoria added.

"Well, he found his mate and she rejected Graham. She rejected him because she was in love with Grayson. Because of the rejection Graham had become insane and wanted Grayson to pay. Mackenzie had declared that Grayson was her mate causing a plan to sprout in his mind. He wants to hurt Mackenzie to make you suffer." Caspar explained.

I woke up with tears all over my face. I miss Grayson so much.

"Man, for an alpha you are really light headed." Edgar said watching me from the bars. I growled and rolled over. "Hey, you better be nicer to me, if you are you'll move into better living quarters.

"Fine." I mumbled, sitting up. "What is this place?"

"Well, besides a prison, it's a pack house and there's also more land around the building where we train ourselves and others. Oh, and the little traitor from your pack, he'll be here tomorrow."

"Who is the traitor?" I growled.

"You'll see tomorrow." I was nervous, who could it be? I have so many questions. How was my dad and mom feeling about this? Were they okay? Was the pack okay? I needed answers. I was feeling light headed again, no I'm not passing out again. I have to stay strong.

"So this is a bunch of rogues I'm guessing. You are a rogue and so is Salem?"

"For now. We are building a pack of ruthless warriors. We have attacked many smaller packs, killing them off. Training the children to be skilled fighters. Soon we will be unstoppable." At that he walked away. Returning minutes later with a plate of food. "Here." He said pushing the plate towards me "it's so you can keep alive for a while." It was made up of mostly proteins. I guess they eat a lot of meat here. Edgar walked away from guarding the cell and down the hall. I played with my food a while then actually started to get hungry. I heard the cell door open and Graham walked in.

"Okay, listen here. I need information. Information I can use against Grayson. Now you need to spill or you'll pay." He demanded.

"I'll never tell you anything, you are no better than gum on the bottom of my sh-" I was silenced by a slap. Graham had hit me, I could feel blood rushing to the side of my face.

"Do not disrespect me." He said, kicking at my side.

"People like you are the reasons we have middle fingers." I managed to say before he hit me again. There was blood escaping my nose. My clothes covered in scarlet. He left the cell without another word, slamming it shut. The liquid silver was still having an effect on me, so I wasn't healing as fast as I normally would. I fell asleep drenched in my blood and tears. All I could think about was Grayson, how was he feeling in all this? Will I ever see him again?

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