Chapter Five

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Brooklyn look above^^
"Mate." Grayson whispered while walking towards me. He moved his arm out to touch my face, but seemed to withdraw it once he saw the bruise from where I was kicked.

"Alright, Mackenzie. It was Amanda who was stunting you am I correct? And she let go and pushed your back spot out of the way so you would fall?" Mr. Schuyler, the principal, asked taking my attention away from Grayson.

"Y-yes sir. She also kicked the side of my head." I confirmed motioning to the bruise on my left temple. I heard a growl from behind me. I turned around to see Grayson, his eyes pitch black.
"Amanda from my pack?" He said with harshness in his tone.

"Yes." Mr. Schuyler answered. Grayson stormed off. I hope he isn't causing trouble. After talking to the principal I went back to the nurse's office to gather my things and wait for my parents. Winston waited with me until my parents got there.

"I know who my mate is," I confessed "it's Grayson."

"No way!" Winston exclaimed "You guys would look cute together." I was surprised by his reaction, I expected him to be more shocked. Before I could say anything else my parents walked in.
"Mackenzie!!" My mom whispered while running towards me, engulfing me into a hug. "Are you okay? Who did that to you?"

"N-no one, it's nothing. I'll be healed soon." I replied. Winston interrupted and filled them in on what happened. My dad looked furious.

"It was nothing? Mackenzie, you could have been seriously injured." My dad said while balling his fists. "I will make sure that girl is expelled." I didn't want that. Who knows what Grayson would be doing to her? Being expelled would make it even worse.

"Dad, you don't have to do that. I think Principal Schuyler is handling it." I whispered.

"Alpha, I think Mackenzie needs some rest, she's had a rough day as you can see." Winston said cautiously trying not to disrespect the Alpha.

"You are correct Winston, do you mind taking her home? Henry took her car back and we ran hear." My mom replied for my father. Winston nodded and walked me out to his car. Good thing now we can talk about my situation. I took a deep breath once I was sat down in the passenger seat.

"How do you think everyone will react to my mate?" I asked while tugging on the hair tie around my wrist.

"Well, you guys are from feuding packs which may cause complications." Winston explained "I don't know how your dad will feel about it, but eventually they will be supportive." I smiled. Winston pretends to be dumb, but is actually really smart. The rest of the car ride was just us singing to whatever song was on the radio or talking about random nonsense.

Winston dropped me off at my house and said "Stop getting hurt okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I'll try!" I shouted back at him. Right when I got inside I went straight for the shower. I was covered in dirt and I just wanted to relax. I got out of the shower and put on a pair of gray joggers and a black tee shirt. Today was so tiring I decided to just climb into bed and go to sleep. I don't care what time it is. I need sleep.

I woke up at 5:30 which was a half hour earlier than I usually got up, so I'm going to work extra hard on how I look. I put on a lacy mint green dress that went down to my knees and a pair of white converse. I carefully did my makeup and made sure my eyeliner was totally symmetrical. I curled my hair and braided back a piece of hair to top it off. I still ended up having an extra 20 minutes to eat breakfast and catch up on TV shows I have missed. Henry made it with five minutes to spare. I was quite impressed. We decided to leave with those extra five minutes to spare. We got there at the same time as Brooklyn. I ran up behind her and tapped the back of her shoulder. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

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