Chapter One

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Victoria look above^^
"No. Definitely not. Westview is far too dangerous. It is on free land and full of rogues and Blood Runners." My dad growled.

"What's wrong with Blood Runners?" I questioned. Right when I finished my sentence my mom looked shocked, while my dad's eyes turned pitch black.

"Blood Runners are vicious people who only care about their pack. They will kill other packs to be number one." He said while my mom touched his shoulder, her face showing utter concern.

"Clint, let's go talk about this while they kids go get cleaned up. They had a rough day." My mother, Emilia, said while shooing off my brothers and I.

My dad was so protective that it gets frustrating. I walked down the long hallway to my ivory painted door and Henry walked to the door next to mine. Graham's room was on the other side of mine. As I turned on the light I was shocked to find my best friend, Victoria, casually sitting on my bed scrolling through her phone.

"Victoria?! What are you doing here?" I ordered, "you scared me half to death."

"It's about time you got here Mack. Arguing with your parents about the new school I'm guessing?" She answered while running her hand through her wavy blonde hair.

"More like I was told where I was going to go as Henry tried to deny it," I ranted "He mentioned Westview and my dad nearly fainted, he was so angry." Victoria laughed, she knew how protective my dad was. I decided to join in on her laughter as I sat down on the bed next to her. After the laughing died out I continued, "Right now my mom is probably trying to convince him to let us go to Westview."

"Well isn't the next school like two hours away? And Westview is like thirty minutes? Do you know how long it takes for me to achieve this in the morning?" She said as she motioned towards her face. I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment, which she didn't quite appreciate as she slapped my arm.

"So since you are here, do you want to grab something to eat from the kitchen?" I said as I cleared my throat, but when I turned to look at her she was sound asleep. I couldn't blame her. We had a rough day at school with the rogue attacks. I had to shower and get all the dirt and sweat off me. Before I left the room to head to the bathroom I took out a blanket and covered up Victoria, who seemed to be shivering. I exited my room quietly shutting the door behind me and walked across the hall to the bathroom.

It sucks that I have to share a bathroom with two boys, they were so messy. I sauntered into the light blue painted bathroom and turned on the shower. It felt good to finally relax after such a stressful day.
When I got out of the shower I walked back to my room to grab some pajamas to wear. I picked out a pair of lime green shorts and a white over sized tee shirt and walked back to the bathroom to get dressed. I thought to myself 'I should probably go tell mom and dad that Victoria is here and check up on the school situation. I strolled to the living room where my parents were sitting watching what looked like Master Chef. My dad loves watching that show. It calms him. I walked up to the couch and sat next to my mom, giving her a quick hug.

"Victoria is here, she's in my room asleep." I declared. My mom acknowledged it with a smile and my dad with a nod. They didn't care when she came over, because she was kind of like a second daughter to them. Also because her dad is here all the time anyway, since he is the Third and my mom's personal guard. "So," I started again, "what is the situation with the whole school thing? Am I going to Westview or..."

"You can go to Westview. I trust you'll be fine since your brother and all the other pack teens will be there," my father announced "BUT I will be driving you and Henry there on Monday and scout the premises for any possible dangers" I rolled my eyes at his rule, but at least I get to go to Westview! I was actually really excited, I get a fresh start with all the teachers and people. I should go tell Victoria the news. I quickly gave each of my parents a kiss on the cheek and ran back to my room to wake Victoria up.

"Victoria, Victoria wake up! I have to tell you something!" I said while shaking her vigorously.

"What do you waaaant?" She groaned while covering her face with a blanket.

"We get to go to Westview!" I squealed. She instantly perked up from her slumber and say upright.

"No way, really? I never thought your dad would let you go!" She confessed with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, he said it was because Henry and other pack teens will be there. He probably means Winston and Drew" I laughed. Winston is my best friend and the Beta's son. Drew is Victoria's twin and the Third's son. We all hung out in a group, so we are always together. That probably assured my dad that noting will happen to me.

Winston and I have been best friends since we were three years old. I was running around the house with Graham and I slipped and hurt my arm. Emmet was watching us at the time while my parent were talking in the study. I was sitting on the floor in tears when Emmet walked over to me and said, "Hey Mack, are you okay?" All I could do was shake my head. His face was filled with concern. "Here let me introduce you to someone," he walked out of the house. I continued to sob thinking I was all alone without anyone to help. Emmet soon returned with a little boy the same age as me.

"Mackenzie, this is my son Winston. He will be your friend and take care of you." The boy looked at me and smiled. He helped me up and scanned my arm for a moment and walked away. I guessed that Winston was bored with me and ran off to play with other friends. My eyes started to fill with tears and then Winston returned with a bag of ice. His dad probably grabbed that for him to give to me now that I think about it, but at the time I thought he did it. From then on Winston has been my best friend and my guard. Whoa I really spaced for a second thinking of that memory.

"Hellooo?" Victoria said while snapping her fingers in front of my face. I must have spaced for a while.

"Oh sorry, I must have blanked"

"Yeah I noticed," she said while putting her hand by her heart to play off like she is hurt. "As I was saying though, are you as excited for Westview as I am?"

"Of course I am! I can't wait to meet new people!" I answered. "Too bad my dad has to drive me there and scout on our first day" I sighed.

"Oh well, at least we get to go!" Victoria was always the optimist. She is always the popular girl. Everyone has always favored her and she has had many boyfriends. Though none of them really meant anything to her. She really wanted to find her mate, then again, who didn't. I surely do. Now that I'm seventeen I'm sure that I will find him soon. I got up from my best and walked to the door. I ushered Victoria over as I look at the time on my phone. It was eight thirty and I don't think either of us have eaten dinner.

"Let's go grab some food!" I said while rubbing my stomach. She laughed at me and walked past me to the door and walked to the kitchen while I followed not far behind. Sometimes I thought she knew this house better than I did. When we got to the kitchen I opened the fridge and grabbed some left over rice and chicken. Victoria loves rice so I made sure I grabbed a lot. I heated up the food in the microwave and handed her a plate of it. We ate then went back to my room and watched chick flicks until we fell asleep. I can't wait until Monday.

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