Chapter Seventeen

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The wolves soon shifted into their human forms. It was dad and mom, standing there in all their glory. I looked away, because obviously no one wants to see their parents like that. "Alright Mackenzie you can look now. We have clothes on." My mother said. I turned back slowly, making sure. As soon as I faced them dead on I was engulfed in a hug by both my parents. "I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered holding my face in her hands "don't worry we will find your brother and make sure he pays." I winced at the word. Brother.

"He is no longer my brother, he doesn't understand the meaning of family." I hissed, "As far as I know, I have only one brother." They nodded, I knew they didn't want to argue with me. They had no idea what I went through.

"Listen, we have to go help fight. I assume you will be staying here with him." My dad said motioning towards Caspar. At that moment, Caspar clicked back to reality.

"Oh, yes I'm Caspar. Beta of the Blood Runner pack." He said extending a hand towards my parents. I was shocked, I had never seen Caspar be so open and welcoming before. He's usually so quiet. They shook hands and my parents shifted again running off into the battle. "Mackenzie, I'm going to shift. It'll be easier for me to fight if someone comes." I nodded and turned away, knowing he would have to take off his clothes.

I turned back once I knew he was done shifting. His wolf was amazing, he had ashen fur and his usually brown eyes turned a citrine color. He stood in front of me, watching every single wolf in his sight. I searched around for familiar faces, there was too much going on for me to recognize anyone. The liquid silver was starting to wear off, thank god I could shift now. I hadn't regained all abilities since there was still liquid silver running through my veins, I still wasn't healing fast. I could mind link again, now I could communicate with Grayson.

'Caspar, I'm shifting and fighting. You can't stop me, I need this.' I mind linked to Caspar.

'Fine, I'm going to follow after you to make sure you don't get ambushed.'

He said while moving from in front of me. I started running off onto the battlefield, Caspar close on my tail.

There was a group of wolves attacking a wolf I know, I couldn't identify who but I could smell that they were a familiar scent. I lunged towards the pile of wolfs, taking down one of them. Caspar did the same, two wolves were still on the other one, but they seemed to be handling it well. Caspar had killed the wolf he was on top of, I was afraid to do that. I would never think of killing another soul. Just then I felt a claw at my side, oh hell no, they did not just claw me. I killed the wolf effortlessly, the cut at my side stung.

The other wolf had disoriented one of the wolves on top of them and flipped them. Caspar took the other wolf down as he took care of the last one. Soon both wolves were dead, it was just Caspar, that mysterious wolf, and I. I gave the wolf with a quizzical look. The wolf shifted and revealed their identity. It was Drew. I shifted back as well and quickly put on the oversized shirt I was wearing earlier.

"Oh my god," he said running walking towards me. "I'm so glad you're okay." We hugged for a bit until Caspar butted in.

"You guys know there is a war going on right now, right?"

"Oh yeah, we need to shift back." I announced. I took off my shirt and shifted back into my wolf. Drew and Caspar did the same. I needed to find Grayson. We ran off again, Drew joining us. I hope Victoria and Brooklyn weren't in this war. There's no way Kian would let her go, her being pregnant and all. No matter how stubborn she was, there was no way.

The usual green grass was splattered with scarlet. The fights were gruesome. If a rogue won, they'd tear the carcass of the dead wolf to pieces. These rogues were ruthless, but then again, so were we. We ran to the heart of the fight, I found my parents, they were controlling everything well.

Until, I saw a wolf come up behind my dad, about to attack. I ran and pounced on the rogue, tumbling down to the ground with me landing on top. It looked familiar, like I knew them before. They were definitely not apart of my pack. This wolf tried to attack my father, I didn't hesitate to kill this one. After the wolf was confirmed dead I looked around for any other wolves who seemed to challenge me. Thinking I was relieved off battle for a moment I started to trot over to Caspar.

Then I was hit with what felt like a bus. A wolf was on top of me, he looked rabid. It was Salem. The other wolf I killed must have been Edgar, that's where he was familiar. Salem didn't seem happy that I killed his partner in crime. Salem was over powering, I couldn't get him off of me. I turned to the side a bit, Caspar was fighting another rogue. He was occupied, so there was no chance he could help me before it was too late. I'm going to die, I thought. Just when I was about to give up, a black blob crashed into Salem. He was knocked off of me and was under the big charcoal colored wolf.

In a quick motion, Salem was dead. His throat crushed under the wolf's paw. The wolf turned to me and then I recognized him. Grayson. Oh my god, was it great to see him. He slowly walked towards me, and nuzzled up against my neck.

'Are you okay?' He said though mind link.

'I'm okay, now that you are here.' I replied, lying about the claw marks at my side. He nodded and proceeded on fighting. Caspar came back to my side, he looked at Edgar and Salem's dead bodies and spat. Two accomplices dead, now we need the leader. Where could Graham have been? No one had encountered him at all.

Grayson stayed near by in his fights, I could tell he didn't want to leave my side. He has to though, so he can't fight. He was fighting two wolves at a time and winning. A few more wolves fought with me, but I succeeded in the battle. I had such an adrenaline rush, no wolf stood a chance.

Some wolves had started to flee the scene. I had shifted back to human form, thinking it was over and put on my shirt. I saw a wolf attempt to escape into the trees and I took off after it. I don't know what came over me, I just started running. Did I really think I could take on a wolf in human form? I wasn't thinking rationally at the moment. After a couple minutes of sprinting, the wolf was in arms reach and I jumped forward landing on top of the beast. It looked as if it had dodged all the fighting and war that went on. Not a scratch or a hair out of place. This wolf looked satisfied by my presence here. If a wolf could smirk, I'm pretty sure this one would be. It's like they wanted me to run after them. I gulped.

'Grayson, help.' I practically yelled through mind link. A large force hit me, knocking me down off of the wolf. I was flat on the ground, looking up at the clear blue sky. A figure appeared above me, I could barely make out a face before everything became splotchy. My vision started to fade, and it all went black.

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