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"Meredith! Slow down please, you're going to hurt yourself!" I warned as I chased after the small two year old running up and down the halls. Meredith wasn't listening, she just giggled as she proceeded her mayhem. She sang a song as she ran, I think it was from Frozen. Her birthday was a few days ago and insisted on a Disney party. Ah, she takes after her mother.

After circling the kitchen a couple times and a sprint around the living room, I finally caught her, lifting her up into my arms. "Mommy! I want to run!" Meredith squealed while wiggling in my arms.

"You will have all the time to run and play when Kiara and Camille get here!" We invited Victoria and Kian over to let the girls have a play date. The girls were best friends, I mean they kind of should be. Since their moms are best friends they would be spending a lot of time together.

"Yaaaay!" I sat Meredith down in her chair as she repeatedly chanted yay. I made a bowl of cereal for her to eat before her friends arrived.

Grayson trudged down stairs and into the room, looking a bit groggy. He must've just woken up. "Did Mere wake you?" I asked while starting to make breakfast for us. I pulled out the carton of eggs and pancake mix. Grayson loves pancakes, so I make them for him on occasion.

"Well kind of, why else would I be awake at eight thirty in the morning." He smiled while running a hand through his messy hair. He walked over to Meredith, who was eating her cereal at a rapid rate. "How is my little pup this morning?" He asked while rubbing the top of her head, making her black curls all awry. She made a mhm sounding noise and went back to her food.

Meredith looked a lot like Grayson. She has his shiny black hair and striking blue eyes. She is quite lively and her vocabulary is quite large. Today, Meredith was dressed in her favorite outfit. A white like long sleeved shirt with navy blue polka dots and a matching navy blue skirt. Under it she wore navy blue leggings. I tied a bib on her neck to prevent any milk from getting on her.

I had spaced for a moment and realized I have almost charred our breakfast. Before anyone took notice, I managed to save the meal from utter demise.

"I see we don't get a greeting!" Victoria said while bursting into the room with the twins and Kian.

"Oh, we didn't hear you come in." I explained, startled. I looked down towards the twins, they had Victoria's remarkable green eyes and Kian's chocolate brown hair.

Grayson released Meredith from here chair and she dashed over to her friends at full speed. I laughed as the girls hugged and ran off to who knows where.

I had just placed our breakfast on plates and handed Grayson his. "Kian and I will go look after the girls, so you guys can catch up." Grayson said, ushering Kian out of the room.

I grabbed my plate and sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. After a moment or so, Victoria joined me in the living room. "So," she said while leaning on my shoulder. "how many times have you binge watched Harry Potter?"

I hesitated for a second, calculating my movie numbers. "Twice, with a relapse of years five through seven." I laughed, she sighed then joined in on my giggling. "Hey, how's the twin life?"

"Tiring, they run around so much and are constantly screeching. Constantly. But nonetheless I love them dearly" Victoria groaned lifting her hand up in a dramatic manner.

"Oh tell me about it, Meredith was doing that this morning before you got here." Being a mother was hard, but it was good to have another mother friend to talk with. Don't get me wrong I love Meredith with all my heart, she's just so loud.

"Did you hear about my brother?" She asked, to keep the conversation flowing. I shook my head in response. "Well, him and Brooklyn are having their fifth kid! Fifth!"

"OMG they are almost the Weasley's! Drew should dye his hair red to match the rest of the family!" Victoria found my statement quite funny. She nonstop laughed as I finished my breakfast. It was true, their kids were all red heads. Drew was the only blonde in that bunch. We sat in silence for a second, then a loud thumping noise came towards us.

"WHOOSH WHOOSH!! ROCKET SHIP!" Grayson exclaimed while running into the room with Meredith extended above his head. Kian followed close behind with the twins seated on his shoulders.

The room was filled with children's giggles and screams. If you didn't have a headache then, you sure did now. I stood up from the couch and walked over to Grayson and Meredith. He passed her over to me and I tickled her until she collapsed into me, hugging me as a form of surrender. Grayson was such a great dad, he spoils Meredith rotten but is always there to help me with the cleaning and care taking.

I had to set Meredith down and run to the bathroom, I didn't feel too well. I opened the bathroom door and crouched down to the toilet. I started to vomit nonstop, I felt sick. I heard a knock on the door and Victoria entered the bathroom. "Hey hun," she said calmly "are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah, uh I'm fine. Let's go back to the kids." I answered, pushing past Victoria and walking back to the living room. I stood in the archway watching Grayson play with Meredith and the other girls. Meredith was standing on his feet, as he attempted to walk around the kitchen. Grayson saw me looking at him and smiled. Victoria joined me at my side, Kian was twirling Kiara and Camille around.

"Hey Mack?" She said finally.


"When are you going to tell him?"

I took a deep breath, of course she knew. She knew me like the back of her hand. "Soon." I answered, placing a hand on my stomach.

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