Chapter Eighteen

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Everything was dark, pitch black. My ears were ringing, my head was throbbing. This time, I think I actually was hit by a bus. I woke up with two rabid wolves looking over me. We were in a concrete room, similar to the cells I stayed in. I sat up, cradling my head in my hands and slowly scooting up against the wall. The wolves shifted into humans, then I saw their identity. Graham and Edgar. "Wha-what...I killed least I thought I did." I said looking towards Edgar.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't in battle. You probably killed my brother, oh well, he was a weak link." He replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, well Salem was and he died." I sneered. "Why am I here?"

"Oh, you see, because of the stunt you and Caspar pulled many of our pack died. For that, we are going to kill you." Graham explained.

"But, we are using the painful killer. Wolfsbane." Edgar added. I was terrified, wolfsbane causes a slow, painful death. Of course that's what they wanted. They wanted me to suffer. I cowered up against the wall, trying to get closer and closer to it. I guess I thought that if I pushed hard enough, I could go through the wall and out to safety. They started to walk towards me, every step they took made me tense up. Edgar was holding a syringe, probably full of wolfsbane. I tried to slide away from them, but Graham had caught my arm and pulled me towards him. I whimpered at his firm grasp, Edgar was coming near with the syringe. I closed my eyes, I was about to except my fate.

Just then there was a loud crash, and Graham let go of my arm. I dropped down to the floor, Edgar had directed his attention to the crashing noise. Graham was watching me like a hawk. A forceful pain triggered in my leg, I looked over to see the cause. Graham was stepping on my shin, prohibiting me from moving. A group of five wolves flooded in the space, filling it up instantaneously. Graham stood firmly, still on my leg.

Edgar had shifted, he was being thrashed at, at all angles. Good, it's what he deserves. Three large wolves had piled on top of him. Edgar was struggling, but not succeeding. Soon, the struggling stopped and Edgar was dead. I silently cheered in my head, knowing that if I did out loud I'd get a nice kick in the skull. The wolves shifted to human, it was my dad, Henry, Winston, Caspar, and Grayson. "Graham, let her go and you can live." My dad reasoned.

"NO!" He snapped pointing a finger toward Grayson "I lost my mate and now he can loose his!" Graham turned towards me and shifted into his wolf. He backed off of my leg and growled at me. I sat up and backed away, trying to get as far as possible. He focused his eyes, and pounced towards me. A flash of black caught Graham mid air knocking him to the ground. I looked around, doing a head count of who it could be. It was dad. He was strong, but Graham had seemed to be stronger. He knocked our dad off of him and threw him against the wall. I held back the urge to run to him and make sure he was okay. Henry and Winston looked infuriated, they wolfed up and lunged themselves toward Graham. I took that chance to crawl over to my dad. He had shifted back into his human form.

"Dad," I whispered "how are you feeling?"

"Mackenzie, I don't think I'm going to make it. He's gotten strong, many of my ribs are broken. Th-there's a claw on my neck." He seemed to be struggling to speak.

"Dad you don't have to speak, it's okay."

"I do, I need to. Make sure Henry makes it through this, he's the soul heir now. Tell your mom and him I love them. I love you, too." After he spoke, his expression went blank. His pulse had stopped. He died. Tears were forming in my eyes, I let them go. No, I need to stay strong through this, for dad. I stood up and looked around, Winston and Caspar had Graham pinned to the floor. Grayson was standing over him, his paw over his neck. He looked at me for approval.

"Do it. I have only one brother, and that's Henry." I declared. Just as Grayson was about to do it, there was a harsh movement from Graham. He threw Caspar off of his feet and to the side. I was terrified Caspar would die like my father, but I was relieved when I saw him sit up. He had a nasty cut across his face, just under his eye. Graham had shook free of Winston's grip as well. Great, just when I thought this was over something happens again.

Henry sprung into action and pounced onto his brother, bringing him back down to the floor. Since Graham is older than Henry, his wolf is larger. I was scared for Henry, but he seemed confident. They tumbled around the floor, it was horribly drawn out and highly suspenseful. Grayson lunged into the two fighting, throwing Graham off of Henry. Henry looked a bit beat up, but he was breathing which was the good thing.

Grayson was succeeding in his fight against Graham. Graham looked like a wild animal. He was foaming at the mouth, he had crazy eyes and his fur was matted with his own blood. Grayson was standing over Graham's motionless body, he had a look of triumph. Grayson turned and looked at me. He turned around and looked across the room towards Caspar.

I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, a motion. I shifted, putting my guard up. Graham wasn't dead, he was definitely alive. He stood up and narrowed his eyes. I saw him take a few steps and dive towards Grayson.

Without thinking, I threw myself towards him, blocking Grayson from impact. Our bodies collided, I tumbled to the floor. I felt like I was drowning, like my body was filling up with water and I couldn't get it out. I laid on the ground, everyone rushing over to me, except Grayson. He was battling Graham. Getting the final kill. "GO! GET HER OUT OF HERE! TAKE HER TO THE DOCTOR!" I faintly heard Grayson yell to the boys. My vision started to blur, Winston picked me up and ran out the door. I stayed close to his chest, I was cold. A drop of blood trickle down my cheek, I tried to lift up my hand to find the source of the blood. I couldn't feel my arms, the were numb. Then everything started to fade, I could see nothing but black.

Mackenzie was covered in blood. The impact she had with Graham almost destroyed her. She did it for me, she was in so much pain I could feel it. I was filled with anger, I turned to Graham who was bringing himself to his feet. A low growl escaped me, I pounced forward. I landed on top of him clawing at him. There was no stopping me, I was furious.

I ordered Winston to take Mackenzie out of here, she needed medical help or she wouldn't heal. After they left, I ended him. I made sure he was done this time, no pulse, or anything. He was dead for sure.

I left the building, running in the direction of the my pack. Maybe I could catch up to them, maybe I could help her. I ran as fast as I could, nothing but adrenaline pumping through my veins. Winston must be carrying her in wolf form. I couldn't find them.

I got to the infirmary, there were an abundance of people there. Winston and Poppy, Kian and Victoria, Caspar, Henry, and her mother were all people I could recognize. I moved through the crowd and looked at Mackenzie. She was laying in the hospital bed, she had dried blood all over her face. Splotches of purple covered her skin. This practically ripped my heart out, she looked like she was in immense pain. I sat down at the edge of the bed, placing her hand in mine. She had a pulse, thank god, it was just slow.

"She will make it. She will make it. She has to." I muttered to myself repeatedly.

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