Chapter Twenty One

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Victoria's twins above^^
***two months later***
"Get...these kids....out of me!" Victoria screeched. She had gone into labor this morning and was acting like she was being murdered. Poor Kian's, hand was being squeezed to death.

After about three hours of Victoria's screaming, the birth process was finally commencing. Baby number one came out and was being cradled in Victoria's arms. "It's a girl!" Arthur announced. Victoria looked at Kian with joy.

"I don't want to name her until her brother or sister is here too." She declared, Kian nodded not wanting to disagree with the moody mother. Ten minutes later, baby number two was brought into the world. She was also a girl. Both babies were being held by their mother.

"Two protect from men?!" Kian exclaimed with a sigh. Victoria and I laughed at Kian's distress.

"So...what are you guys naming them?" I asked, anxious about the kids names. The couple shared a look, then glanced down at the girls.

"Kiara and Camille." They spoke in unison. I smiled at them and sat by Victoria, cooing over the two adorable children.

Since they were only wrapped in blankets, Kiara and Camille soon were changed into new outfits. Upon my request, Victoria put them in matching onesies I bought them. The onesies were light pink with different color polka dots and kittens as the footie part. Kiara was wearing a light pink hat and Camille a dark pink one.

"They are so cute!" I squeaked hugging Victoria. The babies had just fallen asleep so I spoke in a hushed tone.

"It feels SO good to not be pregnant anymore!" She admitted with a relaxed sigh. I, on the other hand was still very pregnant. Though, I was due any day now. Victoria and I hoped and prayed that we didn't give birth on the same day, we did not want to have three kids share a birthday.

Victoria didn't want to leave her babies' sides. Every where she went, they were as well. It was quite funny, watching her run around like a mad woman every time the babies made a noise. Kian tried helping her as much as possible, running back and forth between the living room and the kitchen getting bottles of milk and diapers.

"I will babysit for you guys whenever!" I spoke cheerfully, I love kids so it's no harm.

"Thank god, Mackenzie! That would be amazing! They have been alive for two hours and they already have us running around mad!" Victoria said with a humph. I laughed at her comment and picked up Camille. She had opened her eyes an hour before now.

Her sister and her were born with full heads of chocolate brown hair. Just like their father. Their eyes were blue-gray, we're not sure if they will stay like that or be green like Victoria's. Kian and Victoria had plopped down on the couch, exhausted. I passed Camille off to Kian and handed Kiara to Victoria. They cuddle the twins and I quickly disappeared to find Grayson.

All the treaty signing and alliance making had come to a halt, so Grayson wasn't always in the study. "Hey, handsome." I smiled peering into our bedroom. Victoria had gone into labor early in the morning, so we all had to get up and rush down to the hospital. Grayson was laying in bed, reading a book about parenting. God, this boy.

After noticing my presence, he stood up from the bed and walked over to me. I was engulfed in a big, but careful hug.
His muscular arms wrapped around my waist as I linked my arms around his neck. I looked up at him, his ocean eyes studying me deeply. A smiled formed on his face, the calming scent of his cologne made me feel safe. Soon, he was leaning close to my face. Our lips met in a kiss so passionate that I could feel my heart melt. We stayed in our embrace for a while until we were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Caspar.

"Alpha, Luna, the Luna of the Steel Fang pack is here." He said, not looking me in the eye. He's still awfully distant with me, but he's warming up.

"My mom is here?" I looked up at Grayson.

"I invited her to stay a couple days, I mean you are bound to go into labor soon. She should be here." He explained. I hugged Grayson and exited the room with a smile. Caspar gingerly stepped to the side to let me pass through the doorway.

I nearly darted down the stairs. I was so excited to see my mom. I turned the corner, revealing my mother. She looked so put together, her brunette hair was done all nicely and her close were classy. It's been three months since my father died, I knew she wasn't okay. She may look fine from the outside, but I know my mom and behind her white smile and sparkling brown eyes was despair. I walked over to my mom and hugged her.

"I've missed you so much, mom."

"I missed you too." She whispered. The rest of the day mom and I caught up on everything and reminisced about memories of dad. Every time dad was mentioned she got all glassy eyed and tense.

After I showed my mom to her room, I went to bed myself. We ended up talking a lot, it was starting to get late and I was exhausted. As I laid in bed waiting for sleep to take over, I felt a kick in my stomach. The baby was kicking! "Grayson!" I spoke shaking Grayson awake. "Grayson, the baby is kicking!"

"What?" He said dazed.
"The baby is kicking! Feel!" I guided his hand to the spot on my stomach where the movement was. A smile appeared on Grayson's tired face.

"That's amazing, babe. I can't wait for this kid to be in the world." I kissed him on the cheek as he wrapped his arm around me. I snuggled up to him and ended up falling asleep this way.

***one week later***

"Ow!" I winced, collapsing in the nearest chair. I felt like I had gotten a million charley horses in my lower abdomen. No one was around to help me. I attempted to get up and walk to find someone. My water broke. I was about to give birth. Just then someone entered the room. Caspar. "Caspar, help. I'm going into labor." I winced. He rushed over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and another on my elbow to keep me steady.

He walked me to the infirmary and got me to a bed where I could settle. "Grayson will be here soon." He announced. I nodded at him and attempted to relax. I was in was all so exciting. My baby was being born today! I was feeling aggressive pains in my stomach. The contractions were absolutely dreadful.

Grayson soon entered the room and rushed to my side. I placed my hand in his, squeezing it tightly. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face, another contraction came causing me to wince and whimper. Grayson looked at me with concern. "I'm fine, honey. Just contractions." He nodded and got up from his chair frantically. I thought he left me alone to give birth. My eyes became teary.

He soon returned with three bottles of water, a blanket, and a bag of chips. I laughed as he placed all the waters and chips on the table next to me and covered me with the blanket. He again placed my hand in his and sat there, patiently as I got through all the contractions.

Soon my mom, Victoria and Kian, Winston and Poppy, and Caspar were all piled up in the room. God, I'm so glad I had such good friends. After everyone's positive words, Arthur entered. "Mackenzie, you are about ready to give birth." He informed me. I nodded and squeezed Grayson's hand. He gave me a reassuring gentle squeeze back and a warm smile. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes. It was time to bring my baby to the world.

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