Chapter Seven

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Graham look above^^
"W-what?" I whispered "What happened to Henry?"

"I don't know, but that's why we need to go, now." Victoria answered. I nodded and started walking towards Victoria.

"I should come with you guys. You know, make sure you get home safe." Grayson insisted.

"There's no way my dad will let that happen." I said glumly.

"Well Mack, he might. We don't have a car. Drew took mine and Henry took yours. We were going to run home remember?" Victoria added.

"There's no way." I said while shaking my head.

"Alright fine, then let me drop you guys off at the territory line and you can run from there." He compromised. We both agreed and walked to the parking lot. We followed close behind Grayson to a black Camaro.

I got into the passengers seat and Victoria climbed in the back. We drove twenty minutes to the pack territory line and right when I was about to get out, the door locked.

"Grayson, what the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"I'm driving you all the way home. I'm not risking you getting hurt." He answered sternly. I sighed and rested back in my seat. My dad will not be happy about this. A couple guards stopped us to see what was going on and I said that Grayson is a friend dropping us off and since I'm the Alpha's daughter they kind of have to let me past. We got to my house I nearly jumped out of the car dragging Victoria behind me and ran to the infirmary.

When I entered the infirmary all I saw was a group of people surrounding a bed. I saw my parents, Winston, Graham, Drew, Brooklyn and some other pack members. I pushed through the crowd and saw Henry. Covered in blood and cuts along his face and arms. There were tears in his clothing. I started to tear up.

"What happened?" I demanded while turning to my parents.

"Henry was driving home from school and he was ambushed by rogues. They wrecked the car and tried to kill him." My mom said her voice shaky. "He's lost a lot of blood. We don't know if he will make it." I began to burst into tears. I turned to cry on the nearest shoulder. Thankfully it was Winston, I hugged him tight and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I continued to sob on his shoulder.

"That's crazy," Victoria started "he's a werewolf he should be able to heal and get through this."

"He usually would. He's just lost a lot of blood." Brooklyn said speaking for her dad.

"What he needs right now is to rest." My mom added. "Everyone should go home and we will inform you of changes in his health or wellbeing."

"And everyone stay on high alert. Rogue attacks are becoming more common." My dad ordered. It was the first thing he said since I got there. Winston lifted me up bridal style and walked me back to my house. I am to unstable to walk.

Something crossed my mind. Grayson. Did he make it back to his territory okay? Was he stopped by our guards? I hope he's okay. Soon I was home and Winston had laid me down on my bed. He was about to leave.

"Winston, can you stay here? We can have a movie night." I begged while sitting up and drying my tears.

"Of course, if you let me pick the movies." He negotiated. I nodded, I just wanted a friend to be here. "By the way, how did you get home?"

"Uh, Grayson drove Victoria and I home." Winston's eyes lit up like light bulbs.

"He crossed pack territory? Wow, he's got guts." I laughed at Winston's comment. I got up and grabbed a bunch of movies for us to watch. He chose almost all the action ones and two chick flicks for me. My parents let Winston stay overnight, because they know we aren't into each other that way and even if we were Winston is too afraid of my dad to do anything. Plus, my dad knew I needed comfort from a friend right now. I fell asleep during the fourth movie we watched.

I woke up with Winston asleep on the ottoman at the end of my bed. That can't be comfortable. I through a pillow at him to wake him up. "Wake up lazy bones, you have football practice this morning." I whined while throwing another pillow at him, finally waking him up. He got up stretching his back and arms. "You know you didn't have to sleep on the ottoman, you could have slept on the bed. I don't take up much space."

"Yeah I know, I just didn't want your dad to rip my head off." He said with a yawn.

"Alright, alright get out so I can get dressed." I shooed him out of the room. He left the room holding his hands up in surrender.

I opened my closet and picked out an outfit. I chose a baby pink Peter Pan collar shirt and a pair of light wash jeans with black converse. I did my usual, curled my hair and put on my makeup. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast before heading to the infirmary to check on Henry.

When I entered the infirmary Henry was asleep. I sat down on the edge of his bed and as soon as all my weight rested on the bed, Henry's eyes opened. "Mack." I heard him whisper.

"Henry, are you okay?" I asked while moving closer to him.

"No, but I will be. I promise. Don't worry about me. I love you, big sister." Henry said while attempting to smile.

"I love you too, little brother." I replied.

"Mackenzie, are you ready to go?" Winston said, standing in the doorway. I nodded and turned back to look at Henry, his eyes were closed. He must be asleep again. I got up and walked over to Winston. He was driving me to school today, for safety precautions. We walked to his house to get in his car.

"Hi Mr. Hart!" I shouted through the front door. I faintly heard him yell back. We got into Winston's black Audi and started to drive out of pack territory. We made it to school right before football practice started. We walked to the gymnasium, I decided to watch the practice since I was already here. Drew had practice also, which meant that Victoria is probably here too. I saw Victoria sitting on the bleachers scrolling through her phone and ran over to her.

"Hey Mack, how's Henry?" She said while getting up to hug me.

"He is much better. I talked to him and he said he'll be fine." I answered. She smiled and sat back down. She continued to scroll through her phone while I watched everyone come in for practice. Soon enough, Grayson walked in and flashed his signature smirk. I waved at him, he looked surprised. I guess he didn't expect me to be here. He walked over to the bleachers where I was sitting.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Grayson asked while sitting down next to me.

"Winston drove me to school, so I decided to watch practice since I am here early. Victoria is here to so that makes it better." I replied while motioning to Victoria who waved slightly.

"How's your brother?" He said with a concerned smile.

"He's getting better," I started. "Thank you for driving me back."

"Anything for you, babe." He said with a big smile. That's the first time he's called me babe, or anything but my actual name. The coach blew his whistle signaling that practice was beginning. Grayson placed a kiss on my forehead before getting up to start practice.

"I'll see you after practice!" I shouted as he walked away. He smiled and gave a thumbs up. Most of practice was the coach's incoherent yelling and some plays.

I turned away for a second to acknowledge a post Victoria was laughing at and when I looked back a fight broke out. A fight between Drew and Grayson. I got up from the bleachers and ran down there to break up the fight. "Grayson! Drew! Guys stop!" I begged while trying to pull Grayson off of Drew. Winston came in to help and we finally separated them. I managed to calm Grayson down, his eyes turned back to blue from its black stage. "What the hell happened?" I asked.

"He said that I didn't deserve to be quarterback." Grayson growled his eyes turning black again. I grabbed his hand, hoping that would make him better.

"Yeah, but he said that I was just a sorry excuse for a wolf." Drew said defending himself. "So I punched him in the face."

"And that's when the fight broke out." Winston interjected.

"Drew! Why would you punch him? You could get expelled for that!" I demanded. He shrugged. "Oh, don't shrug at me, this is not a shrugging situation." He looked down at the floor. He had a black eye and Grayson had a bruise on his jaw from Drew's punch.

"Wait a second, what the hell is this?" Drew said, motioning to my hand intertwined with Grayson's.

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