4. 비밀

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Jihoon thought he'd find Junkyu after getting home, which is why he knocked on the said door, but found no answer. Turning the knob, he opened the door. The room was empty, neat and clean- just the way Junkyu had kept before leaving for uni that morning.

'So you're still out looking for a job, huh?'

Jihoon walked in. Not much had changed of that room. On one corner stood the empty suitcase, on the table were Junkyu's study materials. Jihoon believed his clothes were already in the closet, other essentials in the bathroom. That's it. That's how simply the younger liked to live.

He put the shopping bags on the bed, Jihoon had bought a few sets of clothes. He was excited to see the other's reaction, but for that, he would need to wait. Now Jihoon could, if he wanted to, make a call and take notes, but he didn't wanna bother Junkyu. Therefore, he left the room, went to his own, put his bag aside, changed into new clothes and headed towards the usual bar- where he called his friends to hangout.

As always, his three friends were there, who cheered upon seeing him.

"Eyy, Paji, how's your charity work going?" Hyunsuk asked. Jihoon who felt a little annoyed, tsked as he took a seat. Jaehyuk added, "How's he doing?"

"Quite okay." Jihoon answered, "He's out looking for a job."

"So he doesn't wanna leech off you entirely?" Hyunsuk laughed, "Bet he's trynna appear nice after all."

Jihoon protested this time, "Hyung, you judge people too quickly. He really needs it, okay?"

"Now now, is Jihoonie hyung actually defending his new housemate?" Jaehyuk teased, "Come on, hyung."

Asahi only shook his head, Jihoon decided to leave the topic for then, "Why don't we talk about something else? Hm? Hyunsuk hyung? Heard you got into a fight?"

"Yeah, it was kinda rough." The oldest of them said, and the conversation shifted to how the incident started. Jihoon sighed in relief. He knew his friends were making Junkyu look bad, but they were his friends, so he didn't wanna argue about it, since Junkyu actually was a stranger still. Like how much did Jihoon know? About his life, his past, the reason he doesn't live with his parents, the reason he was so short of money- cause looking at him, Junkyu doesn't look poor from the get go. Something must have happened. Jihoon must know that.

Although he admitted that him and the poor guy weren't that close, he remembered what Junkyu said to him about drinking. Too much drinking is not good for one's health. Of course, Jihoon knew that, he just didn't care. But thinking about Junkyu's words- for the first time, he didn't drink much. What if he did and got drunk and said something stupid like 'Junkyu, you must leave' again? He didn't wanna hurt someone who had been genuinely good with him.

So when he returned home, late at night, for the first time, the maids didn't have to handle a drunk dead man. Instead, they were asked, "Is Junkyu home?" Having a positive reply from them, Jihoon went and knocked on the younger's door.

Junkyu opened up with a somewhat down face, but very comfy looking clothes on, a grey night dress with koala prints all over. Jihoon could tell those were overworn, since the first button was torn, but Junkyu still looked super cute in those. Jihoon shook his head, he should focus on the sad face, not the soft body.

"Hey?" He asked. Junkyu responded by nodding, but before anything, asked, "Jihoon, you perhaps forgot your shopping bags here." He quickly went and grabbed the bags on his bed, then offered them to the owner, "Here."

Jihoon chuckled, "These are yours, Kim Kyu."

"Huh?" Junkyu looked confused, "I don't remember-"

"I bought these for you." Jihoon smiled and walked in, "Open up and see if they're okay."

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