29. 미지의

496 22 8

"When did you fall in love with me?"

It was late at night. They were resting after their very first love making session, all cuddled up on the bed, partly sleepy, but neither wanting to close their eyes just to savour more of that magical night. Junkyu's bare upper body was seen outside the blanket that they put on themselves after washing off the mess. His chin was pressed against Jihoon's chest, where he occasionally drew patterns with his fingertips. Jihoon was staring at the ceiling, looking below from time to time, to see the flushed profile of the other. One of his hands was playing with a strand of the younger's hair. They were calm and slow, it was a very peaceful night. Heads filled with thoughts of each other. Jihoon would lift his neck from time to time to put kisses on Junkyu's cheeks, which would earn giggles from the latter. In that glorious, fateful night, the younger male asked that very question all of a sudden.

Jihoon paused to think. When was it, really? The time they went to the bar together, the times they took rides on Jihoon's car, the times they made out purely from desire and lust, or even before that- when Junkyu first came to live with him?

"I think I've loved you since our first year in the uni."

Junkyu lifted his head, to look at the other in surprise, "Huh? But we didn't even talk back then."

"Yeah, that's kinda true. But remember, when we first introduced ourselves to the class, we sat by each other?"

"We did?" There was a cute pout on the younger's lips that warmed Jihoon's heart. He spoke with a fond smile, "Yeah. And I wanted to befriend you. But our seats changed and you were never available after uni, so I guess it didn't work." Jihoon left a sigh, "But then I saw you at a grocery store once. You were a cashier there."

"Oh yeah, I remember. That was maybe my third time working part time." Junkyu replied, "But you saw me there?"

"Yep. You don't know cause I never went to talk to you. Cause you know, it's normal for uni students to work outside. I didn't think much about it until-" he sounded a little sad, "I saw you crying in the washroom."

"When..." Junkyu frowned, "Right. There was that day. I had a breakdown."

Jihoon brushed a few strands of hair behind his ears, "Do you remember what made you cry?"

"Mm, I guess I was missing my family and everything just fell over me. The stress from work and uni altogether." The younger was quick to offer an assuring smile, "I'm okay now. So don't be sad about it."

"Yeah.." Jihoon sighed, "That day, Yoshi was there to comfort you. I didn't know him, neither was I close with you, so I kinda walked past you. But in my mind, I was wondering why such a bright person like you would cry like that."

Junkyu felt warmth spreading in him, thinking that this guy whom he loved had known more about him. He rubbed circles on Jihoon's stomach, encouraging him to continue. And the latter did. He said, "And then days had gone by. You were never crying again, so my mind was diverted from that, until this year, when I saw you struggling again."

"Like the day you asked me to move in?"

"Even before that. You were stressed for several days. I wanted to come talk to you, comfort you, maybe help you even. But I never had the courage cause we were basically strangers." Jihoon smiled, "But then one day I saw the name of those stores on your notebook and it suddenly occurred to be the right moment to talk. So I did. Asking you to live with me wasn't a rash decision. Maybe in my subconscious mind, I already knew I'd wanna have you close to my heart."

"Or maybe it's destiny." Junkyu grinned, "But whatever the case is, Ji, I'm thankful to the heavens for letting me meet you." He brought his face close to Jihoon's, "You're the best part of my life. The best gift from God."

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