23. 통화

367 26 11

(^A freaking anime character!)

To celebrate his only off day at work, Yoshi and Haruto decided to pay Junkyu a visit and make up for all the lack of quality time together. They met the guy at the restaurant once, but that was a few days ago. It was his first off day, so that needed some attention.

Yoshi and Haruto bought some dessert, brought them along because Junkyu loved sweet food. The four of them, Jeongwoo included were in the living room, talking and laughing, something they hadn't done in a while. They talked about games, uni life, college life, studies, work at the cafe and all. Junkyu carefully avoided bringing up Jihoon, cause he wasn't ready to talk about that yet.

Well, let's say, luck wasn't in favour of him.

Because when the topic about dinner arrived, Jeongwoo spoke a bit too soon.

"Wait! Jihoonie hyung told me he'll make spaghetti for us two, shall I tell him to add more for Ruto and Yoshi hyung?"

Haruto blinked in confusion, Yoshi frowned and asked, "Huh?"

"Oh." Jeongwoo seemed to understand something, which is why he clarified, "Jihoonie hyung, your uni mate, he moved in here a few days ago." Then he grinned, "And he adores me a lot."

"Jeongwoo..." Junkyu whispered. Down went his plan to keep things from the two who seemed to hate Jihoon the most. Haruto turned to him, asking, "Jihoon?"

"Yeah, I-"

"Wait." Yoshi quickly said, "Jeongwoo, you said you'll ask him to make more spaghetti for all of us, right?" Upon the younger's enthusiastic nodding, he added, "Then go and tell him."

"Oh I'll just call-"

"No, that would be rude." Insisted Yoshi, "After all, he's making food for us. You should go tell him in person, and maybe help him a bit?"

"Ahh, right." The younger male stood up, smiling, "Then I'll go help him."

Junkyu knew why his friend made the only person unaware of the incident between him and Jihoon leave the place. And certainly, the older Japanese guy turned to him after Jeongwoo went out of range, "Kyu?" He called, "Explain."

With a sigh, Junkyu told them what had happened. That Jihoon, his very rich friend had come to live in the same apartment building, took the same part time job as him to prove that he liked (?) the man. Yoshi kept frowning, and Haruto, enraged to some extent.

"What the fuck does he want now??" He almost snapped, "Can't he leave Junkyu hyung for good?"

Junkyu sighed. He hated to admit that he didn't want that to happen. He was angry, but he still liked everything Jihoon did for him.

"Kyu," Yoshi took his hand, "Tell me, what do you think about it?"

Fidgeting with his fingers, the latter answered, "I don't know, honestly. I don't want him to be here, but I also... Don't hate it."

"Seriously??" Haruto asked, "After he kicked you out in that cold night, how can you-"

"Haruto," Yoshi gestured at his cousin to stop. He then spoke again, "Would you mind if I talk to him about it?"

"About what?"

"The reason he's doing this?"

"He told me he wanted to show me that he really cares." Answered Junkyu, "Which I don't know for sure. Let's say he does feel concerned about me. But what if he snaps again, what if he repeats that night and- I don't think I'm ready to be hurt a second time."

"Exactly, Junkyu hyung doesn't want to associate himself with that man." Haruto added.

Yoshi tsked. It was kinda frustrating cause he understood both his friend and Jihoon. He knew Junkyu's feelings for Jihoon was strong, he was worried about what the latter had said. What if he forgives Jihoon and the same mistake is made again?

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