27. 수영장

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Doyoung loved to do things for people he's close with. Ever since he got to know that his cousin had hurt the most precious person in his life, he was silently rooting for them to make up. He would often call his cousin, listen to him, tell him things he should be doing. When he heard about their conflicts being resolved, he was over the moon. He immediately planned a celebration for the fact, inviting everyone for a pool party in his place.

Doyoung told Jihoon about the plan, asked him and Junkyu to bring all their friends. While he asked a few people himself- like Junghwan and Haruto. His house wasn't as big as Jihoon's, but his one had a bonus. A huge pool since he loved swimming. He often called his friends, or it was just him and Junghwan swimming in their free time- it would be the first tiem Junkyu would be brought to that very house. So Doyoung had everything ready- beverage, snacks whatever.

The first few were Junghwan, followed shortly by Jihoon, Junkyu and Jeongwoo. The youngest there was really happy seeing his tutor. He greeted them all with smiles, even Jeongwoo who seemed to be intimidated by him. Doyoung hugged his cousin, clinging on to him as per usual.

"Jihoonie hyung!! Congratulations!!" He cheered. The other raised his brows, "What for?"

"What else? Making up to your crush?" Doyoung winked. It made Junkyu chuckle, who was the one to get hugged next.

"Junkyu hyung, don't forgive him just yet. Make sure he knows how to treat you right first."

"Yah! Whose side are you on?" Jihoon hit him, so he pouted looking at Junkyu who patted the same spot adoringly. Jeongwoo watched the whole thing and had the biggest grin on his face.

"No, but seriously. Ever since they made up, Junkyu hyung stopped paying attention to me." He said.

"Heyy! When did that happen!?" Junkyu whined at his flatmate. They all laughed and talked like that, waiting for the others. A few minutes later, Yoshi and Haruto showed up. It hadn't been long that the latter accepted his fate and started seeing Jihoon in a friendlier light. But there still was a bit hung up tension in the air. Jihoon though was a very good man. He approached the young Japanese guy, put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Hey, everything good?"

Haruto shrugged. The moment he decided to let go of his ex crush, Jihoon didn't seem as bad. He gave the man a smile and said, "Yeah, pretty much."

Jihoon smiled back, and Junkyu beamed at him proudly.

"Finally!" Yoshi cheered holding his two friends from the middle. He had an adorable smile on when he looked at his best friend, "Now we three can hang out again!"

"And you'll be third wheeling." Added Jeongwoo. They all fell into another roll of laughter. Since Jihoon's friends were taking too long, they all decided to get in the pool first. Doyoung had white shirts ready for all of them, so they went and changed into those.

Junghwan jumped in first, then Jeongwoo who was pushed inside by Jihoon. Yoshi and Junkyu took the safe side, sliding into the water while Haruto opened a soda can and was again pushed in by Jihoon. To take revenge, Doyoung tried pushing his cousin but Jihoon was quick to react. Even so, they both fell face down in the water earning huge rolls of laughter from the others. Especially Junkyu.

"Kim Kyu stop laughing!" Jihoon threatened playfully, going to chase him. Poor Junkyu found shelter behind Yoshi who was holding on for dear life. Cause Jihoon, he's a menace.

"Who're the kids here?" Asked Junghwan, swimming to his Doyoung hyung. The latter, with a pretty smile, only shook his head.

Meanwhile, Jeongwoo found his way to his friend who was eyeing those two men with utmost fondness. Coughing to get his attention, the former male said, "You know you look really stupid when you have honey dripping from your eyes?"

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