17. 술집

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The sun had lost its glow by the time Jihoon and Junkyu settled in cuddles- the former holding the other as a big spoon. They had yet another long make out session, discarding only their upper body clothing. Jihoon could feel the warmth from the younger's naked shoulders as he softly kissed there from time to time. And the latter fell into the comfort of affection from his friend. He couldn't see Jihoon's face, but that didn't matter, because his eyes were closed anyway. He was melting, when the other's palms slightly brushed against his waist, up his chest and down, and the breath falling on his back sang lullabies to him.

He could have fallen asleep. But he stayed awake to feel the happiness of the moment. He knew he was expecting too much, but, well..

After a while of the repeated tasks, Jihoon broke the silence. "Kyu?" The younger hummed, to hear in response, "Let's go out."

"Now?" Junkyu looked outside, it was getting dark.

"Mm." Replied the other, "You have anything else to do?"

"Just studying."

"Do it after we're back." Said Jihoon, "We'll head home right after dinner."

"Okay." Junkyu shifted, facing the elder, his eyes meeting the universe in Jihoon's, "Where to? Shall I call Yoshi?"

"How about- I take you to meet my friends?" Jihoon asked, softly pecking the other's somewhat swollen lips. They didn't go as wild as they usually did, so there were only reddish marks on the other's skin. Junkyu smiled, cupping Jihoon's face to return a similar kiss, "Okay."

And then, after lots of fond smiles exchanged, they got up. Jihoon went back to his room, half naked, probably showing everyone what he had been doing- unbothered about the ignition of gossiping among the maids. Junkyu wore clothes bought by Jihoon- in an attempt of fitting in the circle of friends- not that he wasn't confident about his attire, he just wanted to make a good first impression. Why? Don't ask. They don't know their feelings yet.

Why else would they be blushing all the way to the bar, listening (read whispering along) to cheesy love songs in the car?

The ambience changed when they walked into the bar though. Jihoon left his side to greet all three of his friends. Based on the description, Junkyu matched named to their faces. Choi Hyunsuk- shorter, highly fashionable, looks fierce but has a warm smile. Yoon Jaehyuk- Taller, super handsome and sociable. Has a puppy like whiskered smile when he's excited. Hamada Asahi, a quiet, mysterious sculpture-like face. He too has a very pretty dimpled smile. And when he talks, flowers bloom around him. He's really beautiful. Junkyu recognized everyone easily, although they introduced themselves. Jaehyuk added that Asahi was his boyfriend.

How nice to be honest about his heart!

Junkyu sat next to Hyunsuk, next to whom sat Jihoon. The latter blended into the familiar gossip with his friends, raising toasts and joking about something. The newcomer tried to participate, but he fell short of social skills needed for that.

"Aren't you gonna drink that?" Asked Hyunsuk, looking at the untouched wine glass in front of Junkyu, who smiled in refusal, "I don't really..."

"Hm." Nodded Hyunsuk, "You probably never had this expensive drink. But, give it a go. If not today, then when?"

Junkyu felt a little annoyed, offended even. But for the sake of courtesy, he took a sip. It tasted better than the 'beer' cans he was used to. But he wasn't an avid fan of alcohol anyway.

"Don't like it?" Asked the elder again.

"Um.. it's good. But I prefer not to drink."

Hyunsuk frowned, "Why? If you're here already, why can't you-"

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