31. 선물

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Having just enough money to plan a birthday surprise for your significant other can be thrilling, exciting. Jihoon had never been on a budget. But to celebrate Junkyu's birthday, the first time as his lover- he wanted to do it with money earned from hardwork. Therefore, he had to spend hours talking to Yoshi about budget friendly dinner places and also gift shops where he could buy gifts for his man. The money he saved was barely enough. But he managed to work with that. At the very beginning of his day, during midnight, Jihoon woke Junkyu up with a handwritten letter and self baked cake. They celebrated with Jeongwoo, and then went to sleep together at around 1 in the morning. Both of them were very sleepy, so they sort of just passed out. Then in the morning, Jihoon surprised him with couple shirts which they wore to the uni. The elder intentionally kept things small, cause he had a dinner planned. Therefore, nothing much happened after uni, or even in the restaurant except for wishes and small gift receiving from few others. Now of course, Junkyu expected Yoshi and Haruto to at least do something but they simply wished him via texts and nothing else. Even so, it would be a lie to say the younger wasn't contented with what he got. After all, Jihoon had been there with him all along. What more would he need?

Well, he would get more, as would be apparent soon. Jihoon took him to a dinner place right after their shift ended. He had requested an early leave, and so, by 9, they were both at a budget friendly restaurant to have a 'dinner date' as said by Jihoon. Turned out, it was no two people date, because there sat eight more, all with radiant smiles on their faces. The moment Junkyu walked in, they loudly wished him 'happy birthday' making lots of heads turn. Junkyu felt shy, so immediately blushed. Jihoon nudged him at which he finally bowed and thanked every one of them.

There were lots of gifts. From Hyunsuk, fashionable clothes- which upon Jihoon's constant nagging, had been kept minimal. Even so, Junkyu's eyes widened seeing pants with more rips than actual clothes.

"Junkyu, I dare you to wear it one day." Hyunsuk said, "Trust me, you'll look super handsome in it."

"Agree." Jihoon said, winking at his boyfriend, "But wear it for me only. Don't want others to see what I can." The whole table booed at his cheesy flirting. Junkyu blushed even more, although glaring at Jihoon for his words. Jaehyuk and Asahi gave him lamps and a painting- done by Asahi. Junkyu admired the aesthetic view of a swing set and two kid-ults sitting on them portrayed in the painting. He instantly realized whose idea it was, and a smile was offered to his lover who squeezed his hand under the table.

"Sahi yah, it's so beautiful!" He bowed, getting one in return. Jaehyuk lovingly looked at his man, proud of his extreme talent and skill.

Next was Junghwan who got him a pair of shoes. Junkyu loved it since they were black and white. He patted his student and praised his choice. Junghwan was grinning throughout. Jeongwoo got him a bag- saying he always wanted to give bags to hyungs he liked. Junkyu patted him too, grateful of his existence in general. Haruto's gifts were a few monochromatic hoodies, since he knew his hyung liked wearing them a lot. Doyoung on the other hand got him luxurious jeweleries. Jihoon looked a tad bit upset, but no one noticed. Lastly, Yoshi got his best friend expensive perfume with his savings cause he knew Junkyu had an obsession with good scents.

After everyone, only Jihoon was left, who insisted that he'd show his gift back at home, which earned teases and cheeky glances at them, with all sorts of remarks. Normally, Junkyu would whine and feel more shy than ever. But he was too happy to complain. He loved everything. The arrangements, the taste of food, the gifts but most importantly, the presence of those good people. He once again felt the trueness of what he had said last- who said he had no family? They were one big family of ten. Always there for each other.

After the dinner, people parted ways after congratulating Junkyu once again. Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk and Asahi went in one direction. Doyoung said he'd go back home after dropping Junghwan. Haruto and Yoshi were supposed to go back together and lastly, Jihoon, Junkyu and Jeongwoo headed for their apartment building. The reason Jeongwoo loved them so much- was that they didn't make him feel lonely until they reached the house, when Jihoon said he'd take Junkyu to his place for showing his gift. Of course, Jeongwoo gladly agreed, hugging his flatmate once and wishing him a happy life ahead. Once he went in, Jihoon tugged at his man's hand and took him to his own place.

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