25. 지켜

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(A/N- An early update cz I was so excited to write this chap :'))

If someone saves you from a potential harassment, gets scolded for doing that, and even gets punished to stay late after work to clean a moderate sized cafe slash restaurant, you obviously would feel responsible enough to at least wait for them, no matter how angry you had been with that person. Junkyu too thought about waiting for Jihoon, well, until they were the only ones there.

On one hand, the younger wanted to take the dry towel and clean the tables alongside his friend, but then again, something stopped him. Maybe it was the silence? Jihoon didn't say anything. He just took to his work, disregarding Junkyu's presence. The latter failed to understand that it wasn't Jihoon's ego, rather an affectionate anticipation for him to make the first move. Jihoon can get emotional too, he can want to fall vulnerable and expect the other person's care in return.

But maybe, the situation wasn't in his favor. Because Junkyu, taking small steps after packing his stuff, left the workplace.

He kept thinking whether he should turn around and go back or wait there at least, until he made a turn and met a few people.

A few familiar faces. Smoking cigarettes, there stood a bunch of men with their bikes, even a car, among whom there were three guys from that evening. The ones who picked at him earlier.

"Look who's here." Teased the one who slapped his butt back then, seemingly the leader. "We were waiting to meet that rascal, but we actually got to meet his pretty boyfriend."

Careful, Junkyu stepped back. Very slowly, telling his hamstrings to aid him for a quick dash, but unfortunately, two guys emerged from nowhere and stood behind him.

"What do you want?" He carefully asked, only to earn a roll of laughter. The leader walked forward, scanned his entire body.

"You see, that bastard in there ruined my image in front of everyone. We need to teach him a lesson."

"That was an accident." Junkyu tried to stay calm, "I'm extremely sorry on his behalf. So, please. There's no need to fight or-"

The man grabbed his hand, growing impatient, "It's for us to decide what we wanna do with him. But first-" he threw a dirty smirk at the scared looking male, "I wanna mark his man."

"What the-" Junkyu panicked, "Let go! What are you doing? He did nothing wrong, and I-"

He was dragged. The man alone probably wouldn't be able to, but he had all his men aiding him, two more held him from behind. It was late and they were inside the campus so there were barely anyone. They chose the quietest spot to ambush Jihoon, and they found a bonus target. Junkyu started screaming but his mouth was shut with a strong palm soon. With terrified eyes, he could see the car ahead. Lots of scary scenarios flashed before his eyes. He was a guy, but some guys can do unimaginable stuff to other guys- and they were reckless perverts. They already eye fucked the poor waiter. Junkyu could only imagine the horror lying ahead if he was indeed taken to the car. So he struggled, protested with all his strength but he was so heavily outnumbered. He regretted walking out, and in his head, he had one name running nonstop.

Jihoon, Jihoon, Jihoon!

God heard his prayers this time, cause he felt a tug, and the ones holding him from behind were harshly pulled away, as a strong armed Jihoon was seen throwing heavy punches on those faces.

"Get the fuck off him, you fucking bastards!" He growled, then grabbed Junkyu by the arm to pull him away from the leader. Of course, he was cornered too, all those men were too many for even him to handle.

"The lover boy's here too." Smirked the leader, amused to see the one he had been waiting for. "Hurts to see you pretty boy being taken by us?"

"You fucking scoundrel!" Jihoon was fuming. Angry would be an understatement. He could feel how hard Junkyu was trembling in his hold. It hurt him so much, seeing absolute terror in his loving man's eyes. He scanned the territory. At least five men in front of him, two on the back. But they were already injured from the punches, if he could find a way, push them and make a sprint, then maybe, they'd be able to escape.

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