03 - Questions

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"You wanna go somewhere else so you could see them better?" I had no idea how to answer to the bold suggestion of the man sitting next to me. He was cute. He was around my age, with little sparks dancing in his eyes after saying his suggestion.

Having a one-night stands wasn't my thing, but tonight was my last night of freedom, so to speak. Once I stepped a foot in my hometown, I had to put that mask where I had to play this kind girl, this responsible young woman who abide the law, who was helpful, didn't get herself in trouble, who was following all the rules. I didn't like the person who I had to be when I was at home. And this man was giving me a chance of one last act of rebellion... to take everything I could before I close my real self deep inside of me.

"Look, sorry, I didn't want to come so forwa..."

"Okay." My interruption left him speechless for a second. Luckily, he was quick to get back in his seductive role.

"You sure?"


"How much have you drunk?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I wanna make sure you are making this decision with a clear head." He was the first man I met who was giving a shit if I was drunk or not, and that made me like him even more.

"Just this beer."

"Good. Are you with someone here?"

"Umm..." With the questions from him, I was getting a little bit suspicious of his real intention. My head was flooded with all the true crime cases I've watched and how the victims were chosen. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go somewhere with a man I didn't even know the name of. But in this moment a man wearing a black shirt came to him.

"Yo, Jones, are you coming with us?"

"Nah, I think I'll pass this time." This man, Jones like he was called, looked at me when answering the newcomer. The black shirt man followed Jones gaze and saw me. His whole face changed in understanding, like it was absolutely obvious what was going to happen between us.

"Oh, okay, okay. Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you, guys. Have a nice night. We are heading out of here."

"Thanks. See you soon, Larsen." The guy went back to the table that had a few other men, and they all left the bar.

"I think we have a few things to fill up first before we go anywhere together." I looked questioning at the man sitting beside me. He moved his right hand in front of me, waiting for me to take it and shake. "My name is Cleo."


"Nice to meet you, Hannah." I shook his hand once, liking the warm feeling of his skin touching mine.

"You too."

"I could see you have some questions, wanna ask them?"

"Are you gonna kill me?" That made Cleo's mouth form the best smile I had even seen on a man's face. The deep rumble leaving his chest when he laughed made my stomach roll inside me from excitement.

"No, I don't have this kind of plan at all."

"But...you can if you want?"

"Where are these questions coming from?"

"From all the hours watching about serial killers..."

"Ahh, I get it. And if I'm being fully honest, yes, I know how to take a life." This was not the answer I was looking for from him. "I was in the Marines." Well, that made his statement just a little bit less frightening.

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