23 - Relax

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Working for a mechanic shop was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. But that was probably because of the men in there and not for the job. I still didn't know half of the instruments they were using or the parts they could change, but I knew more than what I knew at the first day I started. And luckily, everyone on the team was kind and didn't get too angry if I was asking too much questions. Dan was a really nice guy and even a nicer boss. He was letting me do whatever I wanted if I was managing to finish the tasks he was giving me. So, while I was calling left and right to all kind of shops in search for parts they were needing, I was rearranging almost everything at the garage...well, not the part they were working at, I wasn't suicidal to mess with that, but with everything else, you can bet on it. Everything was so messy that it was a miracle how they were finding what they needed. So, I use all the time I had to rearrange stuff, put them in all kind of boxes and containers, putting labels on them for easier access. With every day that I was at work, the place was getting much cleaner and tidier.

"What are you doing after work, Hannah?" Dan came to my desk after he finished with his work with a truck that didn't want to start...or something like that, I wasn't sure what exactly was the problem with it.


"I'm not trying to ask you out, don't worry. Cleo would probably shoot me if I tried it, eighter way. I was just curious. You said you didn't have a lot of friends here and I was going to invite you to come with the boys and me to a bar, Cleo can join us, too..." Dan was a really nice guy and he was correct that at first, my mind went to the idea he was really asking me on a date or something...which was a ridiculous thought, especially since he and Cleo were friends...

"Oh, um, it sounds really nice, but I can't tonight. I have plans already."

"Oh, where are you and Cleo going?"

"Um, it's just me...well, me and a few other girls. Cleo is at work tonight." Like he was most of the days since he came back to active duty. He was always tired, juggling his work as patrol officer with helping one of the detectives with a case he won't talk about. He was barely sleeping while trying to do his work and at the same time spend some time with me, too...and I could see it was really exhausting for him...I had a suspicious this messed up schedule was thanks to my father, but every time I asked Cleo about it he just made some kind of excuse that it's work, it happens, it's normal after his pause...and I didn't believe one word, but didn't want to argue with him...it's not like he could do something to change it...even if we break up, I had the suspicious my father wasn't going to let Cleo's schedule be like before. He was petty like that.

"Girls' night?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Will there be pillow fights in barely there clothes?"

"You are watching too much movies, Dan. There won't be anything like that. We are just going to talk and drink."

"Well, a man can dream, you know..." I was ready to answer him when my phone rang.

"Hey, what's up, Lily?"

"Hey, there, Hannah. Nothing much, just checking if everything is okay and you didn't change your mind on coming to Ali's house?"

"Um, no I didn't change my mind, I'll be there. You need me to bring something?"

"Just yourself. We have everything else..."

"What?" I knew she wouldn't call me just to check on me.

"Well, I was wondering if you'll be okay if we invite another friend of ours. She knows the men, she's working with them, actually."

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