08 - Unexpected

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I wasn't a big fan of 'this is a sign from the universe' theory, but in the current case – I was staring to believe in it. I had to stay longer at work because I argued with a young lady if the signs next to the road needed to be followed strictly or if they were left to the choice and mood of the driver. You could guess what she thought...at the end I left her with a speeding ticket and I promised that the next time I see her she won't get so easy.

So, I quickly changed out of my uniform at the police station and drove to the chief's house ready for some beers, some warm and tasty food, and some bonding time with my team. I was going to tell them all about my course yesterday and how I beat every single fucker in our shooting competition. But all of that was forgotten when I saw her. Hannah. The girl who made me think about her throughout the whole time I drove back home and wondering if I'll ever see her again. And I did. At the last place I expected it to happened. The even bigger surprise was who her father was. Chief Robert Adams, a.k.a. my boss and not my biggest fan. He was very happy with my achievements with my sniper rifle, but not so happy with my personal life. And he sure made it crystal clear when he started talking about my knowledge of the women in our city. Getting uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation in front of Hannah, I was glad she managed to stop it. What I didn't like was that she walked away. So, I gave her a minute to get further from our table and went after her telling everyone I was going in search for food and a drink.

"What's so funny?" I got to her when she was already entering the building, her little laugh intriguing me. She looked at me over her shoulder, then around us, to make sure no one could hear or see us. When she was sure the coast was clear she relaxed a little bit.

"The fucked-up coincidence..."

"Yeah, I was thinking about the same."

"What are the odds?"

"I'm not so good with this kind of math." I was good with the calculations. You need to be if you want to make sure where your bullet will strike. But this probability stuff – not my thing.

"I am." That made me curious.

"How so?"

"I am a math teacher...well, at least I studied to become one..."


"I guess no one wanted a teacher freshly out the university..." It sounded like this topic was a hard one for Hannah.

"Is this the reason why you come home? Because you couldn't find a job?"

"Yeah...no matter where I looked or sent my CV, it was like all the positions were already taken or there was someone more qualified than me. I was left with no other choice than coming home and trying again a little bit later. With this job, it is kind of hard to find a free position in the middle of the school year."

"This sounds stupid..."

"Yes, it is... but it's not making it less of a true."

"Sooo, you want to be a teacher? To whom?"

"Well, I was specializing for high schooler, but I can teach at a university, too. The younger ones would be a little bit harder, but not impossible, too..."

"To sum up, you are a pretty smart cookie..." The smile that showed on her face made me believe I didn't mess up her night by reminding her of her problems.

"You could probably say that."

"Is that the reason your mind is constantly working and you are known to space out?" The redness in her cheeks made me remember her look full of desire from last night.

"Probably. I've never studied my 'problem' to see where it came from and what caused it. I..." Hannah looked like she wasn't sure if she wanted to share her next thoughts, but after a second, I saw the decision in her eyes. "I honestly have no idea if the problem was with me and my mind or...with the others..."

"That night..." I looked around, making sure that we were still alone in the house, before I continued my question. "Did you space out?"

"Mmm, no, I...I didn't."

"In that case, I think the problem is in the others. I didn't see anything wrong with you when we were together."

"Maybe you just managed to demand my full attention, so I had no time for other thoughts..."

"Then we will have to do a thorough investigation to verify whose thesis is correct..."

"There won't be any kind of investigation, Cleo."

"Why?" Well, honestly, I could think of a few reasons not to do it. The biggest one was her father, but we were too good together to not explore it a little bit more.

"Don't play dumb. You know why. You even got the official 'don't mess up with my daughter' warning."

"I'm known for not following this kind of instructions very well."

"So I've heard..." That made me cringe, and obviously, it wasn't just on the inside because Hannah started laughing at me. "Don't worry, Cleo. I don't judge you for the way you live your life."

"Good to know. But that doesn't answer my previous question." She was opening her mouth to answer when we heard a voice coming in our direction.

"Oh, here you are. I was looking everywhere for you. Your father...oh, hi there Cleo, when did you come?"

"Hi, Mrs. Adams. And I came a few minutes ago. I was just searching for some tasty food before I sat down and didn't move from my place for the whole night."

"Oh, you sound like one of the old cops. Shouldn't you be more, I don't know, energized? You are too young to act like the others from the department."

"Well, I'm a little bit tired from the last few days..." I looked at Hannah when I was talking, seeing the recognition in her eyes and the reddening of her cheeks.

"Oh, that's right, you were out of town." I loved Mrs. Adams. She was like mother hen to all of us policemen and women, remembering all kinds of facts for every one of us and making sure everyone was okay all the time. "How was the course? Robert told me you beat everyone there?" That news made Hannah curious.

"Yeah, I can't say they were very happy with me being so young and so precise at the same time. I'm pretty sure most of them thought I just got lucky with my shooting."


"Oh, right, Hannah, you don't know Cleo. He is in our town's SWAT team, and he is the sniper on it."


"Oh yes. He's one of the best in the country, we are very lucky to have him." I couldn't stop the smile on my lips from all the praising from her mother even if I tried.


***Looks like Hannah's mom likes Cleo. Will she be an asset in persuading Hannah to give Cleo a chance or not? 

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