17 - Discharged

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I was sure Cleo still didn't know the extent of his luck with that shot in his leg. When the doctors told us why it took them so long to stabilize him, the worst-case scenarios pass by in my head. Luckily, at the end, he was fine, and that was all that mattered.

"Mr. Jones, how are you feeling today?" It was the day after he woke up. We were waiting for his doctor to come and check him before he was able to go home, and the nurse was doing her best to get Cleo's attention on her. Like me, sitting next to him on the bed means nothing.

"Umm, I'm fine. Can't wait to finally go home." When he was telling his last word, the doctor came into the room and hoped right into the conversation without missing a beat.

"Well, let's check you out quickly, make sure everything is fine, nothing to worry about, and you can go home with your fiancé."

"My fiancé?" The confused look on Cleo's eyes reminded me that I totally forgot to tell him about my little lie. I tried to show him with my eyes to play along, and luckily, he did it quickly. "Oh, right. I totally forgot we got engaged. It happened so close to the shooting that it totally left my mind for a second."

"Sure you don't have any more missing memories, Mr. Jones? I know you hit your head on your way down after the second bullet, but until now, we thought your head was fairly fine."

"No, nothing else is missing...it just...slipped my mind for a second, that's all." This doctor couldn't stop interrogating him, and I was getting anxious by the minute.

"Well, okay then. Your tests look good, the wounds too. I'll suggest taking it easy for the next weeks, letting your body recover from the shock it went through."

"Sure, I'll do just that. Can I go home now?"

"I don't see a reason not to. The nurse here will be back soon with your papers. Be safe, Mr. Jones."

"Sure thing, Doc. Have a nice day." He and the nurse left the room, leaving me alone with Cleo.


"Fiancé, huh? Wonder when that happened?"

"I... sorry...I just...this was the only way they were going to give me any kind of information about you, or let me stay in your room. It was a white lie, you know, nothing harmful..."

"Nothing harmful?! Damn, my image is ruined. Now everyone will think I'm going to merry soon. All the women will start to run away from me..." I was going to worry he really meant what he was saying if I couldn't see the humor in his eyes and the way he was barely holding his laugh.

"Oh, don't worry about your women, Cleo. I'm sure you'll just attract a lot more now... some will take it as a personal challenge to see if they can make you dump me for them... you'll see. Nothing will be different from this lie."

"You think? Really? I thought the moment someone was engaged, he or she was off the market, and everyone knew that fact."

"Well, mostly. But there are these people who really take that as a challenge. And with your history, I feel you'll have a lot more of this kind of women than a normal man would meet and have to deal with."

"Jealous much?" His smirk was back on his lips.

"I don't know. Should I be jealous?"

"You should know, since you are my fiancé and all, I'm not the cheating type. So, no matter how many naked women jump into my hands, I won't accept their tempting offers."

"Good to know that. I'll keep it in mind." He was ready to say something else, but the nurse interrupted him by walking back into the room with his discharge papers.

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