15 - Revelations

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I was feeling nervous and I had no idea why. Well, I kind of knew. I was going to stop this hiding charade with Cleo. Just needed to find the right time to tell my father. Not talk with him, just tell. Because I knew if I left him an option to give his opinion, it was going to be a bad one. And I was going to try my best to do like Cleo told me. To live my life for me, not for the others. I looked at my phone. It was way past the end of his shift, and he was still to text me or call me. I was trying not to worry, I knew all things happened, especially being the daughter of a cop, but this strange feeling inside of my chest didn't want to let go.

Just when I was going to check on Cleo, my phone rang. I looked at the screen, but it was an unknown number. I had no idea who it was, probably some salesman trying to make me buy some unnecessary stuff. I was going to let it ring, but this bad feeling couldn't let me do it.


"Hannah?" It was a woman's voice at the other end of the line. It was sounding a little bit familiar, but I couldn't tell from where.


"This... this is Lily... from the bakery..." Now I know why I thought I knew that voice.

"Hey, Lily, nice to hear you. What's going on? Why are you calling me out of the blue?"

"Um... I have some news..." That made the nervousness inside me to amplify. I had a feeling I knew what she was trying to tell me. "It's about Cleo..."

"Is he alive?"

"Umm, yeah...I think...Look...I don't have a lot of information. Dax told me Cleo was shot, and he is going to St. George's Hospital. I...I'm going that way, and I thought... I thought you would like to know if something happened with Cleo. I know I'd want to know if something happened with Dax." I was ready to explain that we weren't that close with Cleo, but I stopped myself. We were. And Lily knew...somehow...and I didn't need to hide it. I didn't want to hide it. I wanted to be close to him, and all the other stuff and opinions could go to hell right now.

"I'm on my way." I quickly ended the call without letting her say something more. I took the keys to my car and ran to it. Luckily, no one was at home right now because I wasn't in the mood to explain where I was going.

The drive to the hospital was torturous, I couldn't stop thinking of all the scenarios, and I didn't like where my mind was going.

"He's alive. He can't be dead. He won't die. He promised me a ride on his bike. He had to make his promise a reality, he...he had to...I...No more hiding...I promised him...we... we have so much time ahead of us... no more hiding." I didn't even know there were tears falling down my face before I felt them soaking my shirt. "He's alive." I was doing my best to stay fully concentrated on the road while I was hoping and praying for Cleo's life.

The drive to the hospital was feeling endless, but I finally managed to get there. I parked my car on the first available spot without thinking if it was right or at an angle. I didn't care if I was at the way of the others, I had to get to Cleo as soon as possible. I ran towards the entrance where I was met with a lot of people walking around, doing their tasks. No one even looked at me while I was trying to reach the end of the hall.

"Excuse me. Can you tell me where Cleo Jones is?" The nurse at the other side of the desk looked at me, and I wasn't sure if she was going to comment on the way I looked at the moment.

"Are you family? We can't give information about patients to everyone who asks..."

"Fiancé." I knew this was a big fat lie, but I had no other choice. I needed to see him, to be closer to him, and knew this was the only way to manage it.

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