21 - Hiring

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"How are you holding up?" That was the first question Cleo asked me once everyone left the house.

"I'm fine." The raised eyebrow from his side made me know he didn't believe me. "I am. Really. Sad, frustrated, but fine."

"Why do I feel there are a lot more feelings than these?"

"Because probably there are, but I don't want to think about them right now."

"What do you want to think about?" I wasn't sure. "How much have you drunk?"

"Just this one glass...Why?"

"Cause your eyes are saying other story..."

"I'm not drunk, Cleo."

"I'm not saying you are..."

"Good, cause I'm not." He was ready to ask me something, but my phone chose that moment to ring. "Hello?"

"Hi. It this Hannah Adams?" The man's voice on the other side of the line was unknown to me, making me unsure why he'll knew my names?


"Hi, Hannah. My name is Dan Wilson." Why does that name sound so familiar to me... "I'm sorry I'm calling so late, but we had some problems, and I totally forgot to do it sooner."

"Umm, okay?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Sorry. I guess it was a long time ago that you forgot about us." He was correct on that one. "I'm from the Wilson's mechanic shop you applied for a job a few weeks ago." I totally forgot about that. I was sending my CV to almost all places in this town in search of a job, but no one called me in return.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry..."

"No need to apologize, it's kind of my fault, I'm not the most organized person, so you can see why I need help here. So, I was wondering if you'd like to come here today to have a talk, I'll tell you what the job would be, what I'll need you to do, and you'll see if it's something you want to do. How does that sound?" I was speechless. After so many weeks, I finally have a chance to start earing some money, and it was at the perfect time, because I wasn't going to stay at Cleo's house without giving him something like a rent.

"Oh, of course. I'd love to come and meet you."

"Perfect. Do you think you could come in, let's say in the next two hours? I mean, you can come whenever you can, but I have a truck here that once I start working on it, I'm going to be dirty from head to toes and..."

"No, no, that's perfectly fine with me. I'll be on my way."

"Perfect, see you soon."

"Bye." I forgot that Cleo was in the room with me, so once I heard his voice, I jumped from my seat.

"Who was that?"

"Shit. You scared me..."

"How I scared you?! We were just talking when you got that call?!"

"Yeah, but I...forgot."

"Deam, I'm so easily forgettable. I can't believe this. So, who was this?"

"Umm, he was one of the people I applied for a job..."

"Really? What did he want?"

"To offer me a job."

"For real?"

"Yeah, he wants to meet today to tell me what he expects me to do." I left the room and went for the front door when I heard Cleo behind me.

"What are you doing?"

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