06 - Goodbye

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I was sure, I've never come so hard in my life. It was like her sweet body had decided it needed to suck every single last drop of cum out of my balls, leaving me absolutely spent, but enormously satisfied.

"Green." I had no idea what she was talking about. We were lying on the bed, she was next to me, her head on my shoulder, her hand drawing slow circles on my abdomen while both of us were trying to calm our breaths and hearts.


"The flecks in your eyes...there's some green in there." I totally forgot that was the lame pick up line I used to get her in bed with me.

"Huh, who would have thought..."

"They are changing a little bit, too." If you have ever told me that I was going to talk about the color of my eyes after some hot sex, I'd never believed you, but here we are...and honestly, I had no problem with it.

"How so?"

"Well, I'm not sure right now what's the cause...but they were browner in the bar and they are greener now. It could be from the lights, or it could be from the clothes you were wearing..."

"...or not wearing."

"Yeah, that too. It could be anything. What the other people say about the color?"

"I don't think I've ever talked with someone about my eyes' color." Which was true. Pass the time in the kindergarten or in preschool, I don't think I've ever thought about their color.

"Well...now you did... a lot.. sorry if..."

"You don't have to apologize for anything Hannah. I don't mind talking about anything with you."

"You are saying that because you had your fill...or more like your...unloading..." There was a small laugh following her ridiculous statement.

"Quite the joker, aren't you."


"No, but for real. I didn't mind talking with you before we got here."

"You don't have to pull up the charm, Cleo. You already got me in your bed."

"Nah, I'm honest. I'm glad I met you tonight."

"I'm glad, too." I could feel the exhaustion in her voice. She moved a little bit, found a more comfortable position and was out in a matter of seconds. Not long after, I followed her lead, having the best sleep in months.

It was going to be even better if that loud noise didn't wake me up way too soon. I felt movements around me, some angry mumbling from Hannah before the melody stopped.

"Hey, dad. What's up?" I couldn't remember another time when a girl I slept with talked to her father while we were both still naked in the bed. Hannah was becoming a reason for a lot of firsts in my life. "And you had to call me...this early...to check me...Are you crazy!? Yes! Of course, I was still sleeping, what am I supposed to do in the morning...umm, what?" The change in her tone made me open my eyes to look at her shocked ones. She looked at the screen of her phone, seeing something that made her jump from the bed and cursed silently. "Oh, Sh...damn...I've overslept. Yeah, Yeah, I know dad, I know. I was just...exhausted from yesterday and forgot to set an alarm. Yes. Yes. I'll be on my way soon. Yes. Seen you soon. Bye."

"Need to be somewhere?" I was watching her while she was trying to find all of her clothes that were scattered on the ground around the bed.

"Yeah, on the road. Fuck, I am so late it's not even funny."

"You have a long road ahead?"

"For me, yeah, I can't drive for too long, so everything over 5 hours is a lot. And I was supposed to be home by the early afternoon, but we overslept, so now I'll be lucky if I get there before the sun goes down. I hate driving at night."

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