26 - Promise

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I couldn't believe we were so close to catching him. Hannah's point of view was really eye opening, the whole scenario where he tries to show off was something I was thinking about, but was never sure of...she made me realize I was right to think in that direction. But that didn't mean we knew who this sniper was...or, more importantly, why the fuck he was shooting at people in our city. There was no information about similar cases from the town around us, or even in the city. Like this person choose our city with a specific reason, but none of us knew it.

At least he had a pattern, and once he showed himself and make his deadly shot, we didn't hear from him for the next 3-4 days...sometimes even more. That was why I knew that in one of my rare free days I was not going to deal with his crazy ass. And I was finally going to fulfill a promise I made to Hannah.

"You ready to go?" I was waiting for her at the front door of my house, our helmets in both of my hands.

"Just...a...second...this thing is way too tight for me..." I looked at the direction of her voice. She was walking toward me in her gear that I bought for her. Motorcycle trousers that had pockets with hips and knee armors, boots and leather jacket. I wanted to be sure that she'll be safe on the back of my bike. Right now, she was doing her best to put her boots that were made to fit your legs perfectly so that you won't have space to harm yourself in case of a crash. They were really securing your ankles, but were a bitch to put on, especially if they were new.

"Hold on, let me help." I put the helmets on the near by table and kneel before her. "Give me your foot."

"I'll manage it on my own, just need to..."


"Okay, fine." She gave me one of the boots, and when I put it on the floor in front of me, she lifted her foot, but I stopped her.

"You need to unfasten all these things before you try to get your foot inside..."

"I tried doing it, but it didn't help at all." I showed how it was supposed to be done, and soon after, both her feet were secured in her new boots. I stood up and let my eyes roam all over her body, enjoying the sign before me. "You done?" I looked at her face, seeing her arched brow.

"For now." I turned around and took her helmet. "Here, let's put the final touch, and we'll be ready to go." I give her the helmet, showed her how to put it by holding the straps and pulling them away from her head. Once secured, I made sure it's correctly fastened under her chin, then took mine in one hand while escorting her out of the house. "Wait a second, I need to get on first." Hannah stayed close to me while I was putting my helmet on and striding the bike. "Your feet go here..." I showed her the small pegs I put down for her. "...put your hands on my shoulders, one foot here, then sit on your seat and make sure you stay away from the pipe cause otherwise you'll burn yourself." After a quick nod, she followed my instructions and quickly after she was seated at the back on my bike, her knees on both sides of my hips. "You'll need to hold for me, but not too tightly, I need to be able to move and breathe a little bit. Try not to bump your helmet into mine, and when I stop, you can put a hand on the gas tank to hold yourself in your place. Try to lean with me in the corners, but don't do it too much. Our coms are connected, so we'll be able to talk, but know that if I tap your knee, it's a signal to hold on tighter."

"I don't like all these rules. I feel like I'm going to forget one of them... or all of them..." I put both of my hands on her knees, moving them in tight circles, trying to sooth her nerves.

"Don't worry, it sounds like a lot of things, but once we are on the road, you'll see it's not that hard. I'll start slower, but you must know, the slower I am, the more dangerous it is, so I need to have some speed, it would probably be faster than you'd like, but I promise I'll keep you safe."

"I trust you, Cleo, I know you'll do your best to keep me in one piece. The other divers I don't trust." Yeah, I knew what she meant. There were a lot of people who didn't pay attention on the road, especially looking in their mirrors to check for incoming bikes. Way too many accidents happened with distracted drivers ending a lot of rider's lives in a tragic way. But I was gonna make sure that Hannah and me are not added to these dark statistics.

"Everything will be fine, don't worry... Just enjoy it." I put the key in the ignition and turn it. Then, I pushed one button, and then another one and my bike came to life under me. Its loud rumble shook Hannah, and I felt her jump in her place. "Easy there, Goldie."

"Sorry, I just... didn't expect it."

"Relax... everything will be fine." I put my bike into first gear and slowly left my driveway. Hannah's hands around my stomach were like a vise around me, making it a little bit hard to breathe, but I knew she'll relax in a few minutes. A little bit of acceleration, second gear, and we were moving around my neighborhood.

Once we were at the back road, I wanted to show Hannah, her hands around me stopped squeezing me to death. I could feel her body getting a little looser, her breathing a little calmer. It was the perfect day for a ride and I was really fucking excited that I have the opportunity to share with her one of the things I loved the most. The freedom you feel when you are on a bike, the wind around you, the unobstructed view. It was liberating and I could feel she was enjoying her ride. We didn't talk, we just...enjoyed our silent company and the sound of my bike.

The sun was setting down when I finally turned around to go back home. I felt more energized than I had in a long time, being on my bike did that to me, but I knew that Hannah was probably starting to feel sore from sitting like that for so long and I wanted this experience to be good for her. I wanted her to be my backpack, sharing my rides all the time, cause I really fucking enjoyed having her body wrapped around me.

"Can we stop somewhere to eat before we go home?"

"Any ideas?" I was secretly glad that she didn't want to go home so soon, it gave me hope...

"No, anywhere is fine." I already had a place in mind, so I quickly changed my direction towards the restaurant. Once I parked in front of it and stopped the engine, the silence that engulfed us was deafening.

"Wow...it's so quiet..." I felt Hannah move behind me, so I put one of my hands for her to grab while getting down. "Thanks." I followed her lead and soon both of us were staying next to my bike.

"How are your legs?"

"Fine...just a little..."


"Maybe. I don't know..."

"Can you walk?"

"It's not that bad, Cleo. Just...I haven't stay in one position for so long, they need some time to come back online." For a second time today, I kneeled before her and started massaging first one of her thighs, then the other. "It's not necessary to do that, you know...I'm fine..."

"I know, I know...I just enjoy it..." On one of my upwards movements, I let my left hand go a little bit further, my thumb grazing the space between her legs, making her take a quick breath.

"Cleo..." There was a warning in her voice, but the other emotions were a lot stronger... the desire, the lust, they couldn't be mistaken.

"Cleo?" There was a new voice behind me. What the fuck did she wanted? I didn't want to deal with her, but looked like I had no choice.

***Hannah finally had the opportunity to get on the back of his bike and looks like she enjoyed it...but could the newcomer spoil the euphoria that had taken over her?
Who do you think is the woman who showed up?

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