27 - Encounter

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I couldn't even describe how good it felt to be on the bike with Cleo. I always thought that it was dangerous and only reckless people have bikes, the one who didn't value their life, didn't care for the consequences...the immature ones. But Cleo was anything but the above. I could feel how concentrated he was while riding, how he was constantly looking around us, making sure that he had the full picture of our surroundings. And the best part, he was really thoughtful of his speed, not even once did he try to accelerate more than I was comfortable with. He was driving with such confidence that it was contagious. I didn't want it to end. I could feel myself get lighter with each minute on the back of his bike, all the worries about my family, my job, my future, they all disappeared leaving me absolutely mesmerized with the feeling of full joy. Luckily, I managed to prolong our ride a little bit by asking for some food, and Cleo happily complied.

"What do you want, Nora?" We were at the parking lot of a restaurant, Cleo was massaging my legs, trying to make my blood flow through them when we heard a woman's voice calling his name. I looked behind him, in the direction of the voice, while he was standing up. A few steps away from us stood a girl in dark jeans, a white crop top, and black high heels. Her dark, wavy hair was sitting loose on her shoulders, framing her gorgeous face. Her lips were puffy but didn't look fake. Their natural color was an amazing choice that didn't distract. They just added to the whole picture her flawless skin and blue eyes were presenting. If I had to choose a word to describe the newcomer, it would probably be gorgeous.

"I was wondering if it was really you, or I was mistaken." I couldn't see Cleo's face, so I had no idea what he thought of her. He was standing in front of me and was trying to obscure my vision of the woman. I took a step to the side, which I could feel he didn't like.

"I'll ask again, what do you want?" he wasn't rude. He wasn't angry. He just sounded like he wanted this encounter to end as soon as possible. It was making me wonder who she was and what she wanted from Cleo.

"Um... I was wondering where you've been. It's been a while since I last saw you, and I was a little bit worried about you." That statement made me take a second look at her. Up until that point, I was thinking that she was just a friend, or something like that, but the way she spoke made me believe that there was something more between them.

"I'm okay. I've just been busy with work... and stuff." I could hear the discomfort in Cleo's voice, and it confirmed my suspicion. With his history with the women in town, I was wondering when would be the time we met one of his old flings. I guess today was my lucky day.

"Oh, okay...do you think..." she looked unsurely in my direction. "...we could talk alone for a sec?" Up until that point I was neutral about her, I wasn't angry she interrupted us, wasn't jealous knowing she had Cleo at one point in the past...like I told him, I didn't judge him for the way he lived his life before me. But trying to get rid of me, while it was quite obvious, we were together for the night ...this I would not tolerate.

"Nora, you know..." I didn't let Cleo end his sentence, I moved from behind him, walked towards the woman with large strides, making her take a few steps back.

"Listen here, and do it carefully, cause I won't repeat myself." Shock was written all over her face, but luckily, she didn't open her mouth, just nodded. "He is off the market. I don't know what you had with him, how serious it was, how long, how good... I don't care. He is no longer available for booty calls; midnight meets or quickies in a back alley. You better understand that very quickly and stop trying to get in his pants, or I won't be responsible for my actions." With that, I turned around towards the restaurant without looking at eighter one of them. "Cleo, you have a few minutes to make sure my words were understood. I'm going to order us some food and wait inside. Any preferences?"

"Umm, no... whatever you choose is fine." And with that, I walked inside the restaurant and sat on a table for two...with my back to the front door because I didn't want to see what was about to happen between them.

It took Cleo less than 5 minutes to come inside and sit on the opposite side of the table.

"You okay?" He sounded a little bit unsure, but there was also something else in his voice that I couldn't decipher.

"Of course, nothing to worry about." And that was true. Was it fun meeting the women he had slept with – no, but this won't be the last time it happens, so there is no need to get in my head about it.

"You sure?"

"Cleo, I was honest when I told you I don't care about your past. I know this... conversation will probably happen again, and the next woman who tries to get you for a second will hear the same thing this one did."

"Hmm." That was his answer, no excuses, no reassurances, nothing unnecessary just to make me believe he was serious about us... because both of us already knew how serious he was. "What did you order?"

"I thought a cheeseburger with fries is the most common thing that can't be mistaken."

"Yeah, sounds really good." There was a small pause between us, like neither one of us knew how to continue our conversation. "So...how was the ride? Did you enjoy it?" Cleo was the first to break the silence, and I was happy it was to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah...it was really good. Won't mind if you want to go on rides from time to time and take me with you..."

"Is that so. So, you really enjoyed it? Wasn't scared or anything?"

"Cleo, anyone who isn't scared is probably mentally ill. Of course I was scared! We were on two wheels, going who knows how fast..." he was ready to interrupt me, but I quickly added. "...I know you were careful now...and I know you go even faster when you are alone, that's not the point. The idea is that we didn't have the protection of a metal cage around us. We were out there, and our clothes were the only thing that were keeping our skin from being left on the asphalt. And the wind was doing its best to knock us on our asses." He was enjoying my rambling; I could tell from the smirk on his lips.

"So, you weren't lying about wanting to go on a ride again, then?"

"It was a fun experience, liberating...so, yeah, if you'll have me on the back your bike..." Cleo was just ready to answer me when the waitress came to our table with big plates full of food. That put another pause to our conversation while we were devouring our burgers. I didn't even know I was so hungry, but when the plate was put in front of me and the sweet aroma of fried and unhealthy food filled my nose, I forgot all about talking. Luckily, Cleo was on the same page with me, fully concentrated on his food, doing his best to breathe it in as quickly as possible.

"Are you in a hurry to get somewhere?" I knew that he was almost always hungry and could eat an enormous amount of food without it showing anywhere on his body, but he was extra quick right now.

"You could say that..." A flash of the woman's face came in front of me, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It made me slow my eating. Maybe I was wrong... maybe I was thinking that he left behind this life, but this... Nora...she was good enough to change his mind, to remind him how good it was before...

"That's it. We are moving right now." I haven't even finished my burger when he threw some money on the table and stood up, taking my hand in his and making me follow him towards his bike.

***What do you think of Hannah's reactions when she met this Nora? What about Cleo's?  

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