04 - Pleasure

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This was a total bullshit and I was getting angry on her behalf just thinking about the idiots who couldn't even try to make the experience good for her, but throw accusations at her for not keeping her focus. The more I thought, the angrier I got while we were walking to my room. I knew we just met and the chances of seeing her again after tonight were minimum, but that doesn't mean I wanted to just be done with it, I wanted to make sure it was a memorable night for Hannah, one that she will keep in her mind like evidence what it could be.

That's why the moment we were in my room and the door was closed, I pulled Hannah to me and devoured her mouth. Her lips were so soft, and there was this faint taste of peaches on them that I got drunk on it. Her body melted in my arms, fully surrendering to me, giving me the green light to do what we came here for. When my lungs were screaming for some air, I finally stopped kissing her tasty lips and moved down to her neck. The little shivers of her body were the silent signal she was enjoying what I was doing. Her hands holding my head closer to her were the next evidence I was doing something right. I left a trail of kisses down her neck, mapping every little curve or valley with my lips, enjoying the moans leaving her mouth. I don't know what the other men were doing, but right now, with me, Hannah was fully present.

Once I got closer to the top of her shirt I went back to her lips, this time including little bites on her soft skin on the way, the grazing of my teeth on her flesh was intensifying the erotic sounds filling the room. Her hands were moving frantically all over my body, to my neck, pulling me closer to her, to my front, trying to map my muscles with the tips of her fingers, to the back of my head, removing the hat from it and raking her short nails trough my hair, causing goosebumps over my body. This girl was driving me absolutely crazy and I needed more with every second it passed. So, I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up her body, leaving her in front of me in her black bra, which was pushing her breasts up in my direction. It would have been unprofessional not to pay attention to them so I moved down her body to get face to face with them, pulling the dark material down, uncovering her pink nipples that were getting harder with every second. I took one of them in my mouth, sucking on it, licking, biting, making sure it was fully erected before I moved to the other one and doing the same to it. The intensified trembles of Hannah's body were enough of a sign that she was enjoying what I was doing with her tits. The pushing on my head to her chest was another one.

While my mouth was worshiping her perfect breasts, I moved my hands down her torso to her hips, loving the way she was responding to every one of my moves. I'm not even sure she knew when I unsnapped her jeans. She fully emerged in the moment. But there was a little pause from her, a little stiffness once my hands got inside her jeans and grabbed her ass. Her nails stopped marking my skin through my shirt, and I knew her mind was ready to go somewhere, and I didn't want it, so I had to stop it quickly.

"Fuck, Hannah, you are making me absolutely insane right now...I don't know if I'll be able to go slow, to take my time with you..."

"Then don't be..." Her body relaxed once more and I knew she was back with me. Her fingers moved down my front grabbing at my shirt, trying to removed it, but it was kind of hard in the position we were. So, I released the soft globes of her ass and helped her with undressing me. I removed my boots, pants, and socks, leaving in just my underwear that was doing nothing to conceive the hard on I had for her. Her hand moved in its direction, but I quickly stopped it.


"But I want..."

"Not right now... I want to taste you first. Let's get rid of your clothes, you have too much of them..." Her fingers were moving fast, trying to remove her bra while I was pulling on the tight jeans she was wearing. They were like painted on her, making her looks amazing in them, but at the same time, they were hard as fuck to remove from her legs.

"I don't like these."

"Wh-what?" Hannah looked at me with confusion in her eyes.

"I don't like them. How, on Earth, are you even putting them on? They look like torture..."

"They push up my butt and makes my legs looks better."

"You don't need them; you look amazing just like that..." Kneeling in front of her, I finally managed to free her from them, along with her shoes, leaving her in just her black panties. "These need to go, too." I slowly moved my hands up her soft legs. Once I reached her hips, I grabbed the flimsy material and slowly pulled it down. One by one her legs moved out of her underwear leaving her fully naked in front of me. I could feel the dampness on the material in my hand, making me know she was enjoying our time together as much as I was. I left the material on the floor and stood up. She was obviously shy, staying fully exposed in front of a stranger, not meeting my eyes and just waiting to see what my next move would be.

I didn't make her wait for long. With my lips returned back to her puffy ones, I grabbed her hips and slowly made her move backward to the bed on the other side of the room. Once her legs bumped into it, I pushed her to lay on it, the whole time not stopping her intoxicating kisses. When I got her where I wanted her, I moved slowly down her body. There were goosebumps everywhere my lips or hands were touching her...She was so fucking responsive to me, that I was getting drunk on the feeling.

Once I was in the valley of her legs, I nudged them to make her open for me. There was a second of hesitation on her end, but before I managed to look up to her eyes and ask what the problem was, she moved her legs a little bit.

"C'mon, sweetheart, open up for me, let me see how fucking wet you are. Let me enjoy your taste. My mouth is watering just by thinking about it..." There were little trembles, but she followed my instruction and I was finally let to see with my own eyes the evidence how turned on she was. "Fuck...you are so fucking wet, Hannah..." I moved one of my fingers through her dripping folds, enjoying the softness under my fingertip, the wetness coating it. I couldn't wait to get to feel all of that around my cock. But first "I need to taste you..." I reposition myself, so that I was lying between her legs, moving them to rest on my shoulders, giving me unobstructed view and path the her most intimate place.

"Cleo..." The breathiness she whispered my name with made me move quicker with my plan. I let my tongue taste her for the first time. From her entrance to her sensitive clit, in one long lick, I savored the flavor filling my mouth. I repeated the movement again and again, enjoying the way her whole body was moving under me, unsure if it needs to get away from my assault or to get more of it. I didn't let her take the decision on her own. I put my hands around her thighs, locking her to me, making sure she won't get away while I concentrated on her most sensitive part. First with little licks around it, then slowly I got closer and closer to the little nub. The moment I took it in my mouth and sucked on it, Hannah's hands moved from the sheet around her to my head, grabbing at it while her lips leave the sweetest moans from pleasure. "Fuck, Cleo... I...I...Oh-fu...Oh-f..." She was speechless, just the way I wanted her. Her mind wasn't trying to get her away from the action, but leaving her to enjoy every second of it. While my mouth was giving all the needed attention to her clit, I moved my right hand from around her soft thigh to her wet folds that were dripping with her arousal. With lazy movements up and down I was making sure my fingers were fully coated with her juices before I tried and pushed one of them in her hot channel.

"Cleo!" The loud moan from Hannah was like music to my ears. I moved my finger deeper into her, enjoying the tightness of her. In and out, every move was making her louder and louder...just like I wanted her. This was going to be a night to remember for both of us, that was for sure.

***Things got heated up pretty fast between these two...

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