29 - Opportunity

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Living with Cleo was good. Honestly, it was better than I even imagined it could be. Yeah, it was hard with his bullshit shifts and the case of the anonymous sniper... but it was good to know that he was coming home at some point during the day. I didn't even know how lonely I was up until now, when every day I was eager to see him, to talk with him, even for a couple of minutes. My feelings were growing stronger and stronger with each passing day, and I wasn't sure when I was going to let them slip and confess my love to Cleo. I knew he has feeling for me, too, but I wasn't sure how deep they were, so I was doing my best to keep mine in check until I was sure he feels the same way.

The ringing of my phone made me focus back on the present, where I was rearranging some old documents in the Auto shop.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Is this Hannah Adams?" The woman's voice on the other side of the line was unknown to me, making me wonder who she was and how she had my number.

"Yes, whom am I speaking to?"

"My name is Dolores Stenberg, and I'm the headmaster of Brightwave High School. I'm calling you about the position of math teacher in our school. I was wondering when you'll be able to come to make an in person interview about the job? From your CV I could tell you are a very capable young person and I'm sure you'll fit right in with us, but you know, I need to make sure of it..." I had no idea who that woman was, nor where this school was located. I didn't remember sending my CV to them. "...and of course, I know you are not from our town, so we are ready to help you with the rent in the first six months if you decide to move so far away. We all know it could be a little bit hard to be separated from your friends and family, and the 14-hour drive between our towns is not something you can travel every week..." I was absolutely speechless. 14 hours drive. That was even farther away from my university. And I had no idea how they got my documents.

"Umm, excuse me, but I think you have some mistake."

"Are you not Hannah Adams?"

"Well, I am."

"And you just finished your university?"


"Then I don't see a mistake."

"Well, I do, especially when I haven't sent you my CV. I don't know how it ended with you, but it didn't come from me." This situation was so bizarre that I didn't even know what to think of it.

"Oh, that's not a mistake, Miss Adams. Your father sent it to me." I was left speechless. This... my father sent my info all around the country...it didn't even cross my mind as an option.

"Um, excuse me, did you say my father sent it to you?"

"Yes, yes. Robert and my husband Mathias have known each other since the police academy back in the days. They talk from time to time, and your father mentioned that you are searching for a teaching job away from your hometown, and I asked to see your CV. Your achievements are very good for your young age, plus knowing your father, it was ano-brainerr to call you and offer you the job. I know you'll fit perfectly." I didn't know how to process the information.

"Um, did you mention that my father said I was searching for a job away from here?" I had a suspicious about his motives.

"Oh, yeah. He told us that you wanted a new beginning, away from his name and the weight it had there. And I must say, I totally understand. It could be really hard to live with a father like yours, so new place, new beginning and all that... I think it will be really beneficial for you." A few months ago, I was going to agree with her. Being a teacher as far away from my father was my goal...up until one charming man with dark eyes didn't change my mind, didn't make me rethink my priorities and goals in life.

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