05 - Ecstasy

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I had no idea where I was at this point of the night. Cleo was right to be so sure about keeping my mind in the moment and not wandering around with different thoughts. I didn't even have any thoughts at all. The only thing in my head was the enormous pleasure from him and the promise of even more. The constant attention he was giving my clit while finger fucking me was driving me mad. I was so ready to explode, but he was doing everything he could to stop me. Just when I was sure I was going to burst from all the sensations, he would slow his movements, will get away from my most intimate parts and wait for my ecstasy to go down, slowly kissing my thighs in the meantime. And at the moment I slowed my heartbeat, he would start the assault all over again. It was absolutely maddening, building my orgasm again and again just to let it go...and no holding him firmly, no hair pulling, no screams or pleadings were able to make him stay in his place when I most needed him.

"You... really... wants... to kill... me... I thought... it was... going... to be... with a knife...or a gun...but no...you...had to kill me...with...depriving me...from...coming..." I was a mess. I could barely talk. My mind was a mush. My body was covered in a sheet of sweat and was still trembling from the last round.

"But it would feel so much better once I let you..."

"I... really...doubt you'll...ever let me..." The smirk he gave me from between my legs was going to be the end of me...if the absence of orgasms didn't.

"Well, I wanted to be sure you are really present, not wondering somewhere in that cute head of yours." I wasn't sure I knew my name, let alone having the energy to space out...I could really give him that – he knows how to demand yours full attention.

"No wandering...for sure..."



"Well, what?" His voice was getting huskier with the time we shared together, intertwining with the humor born of my dissatisfaction.

"Bastard." The laugher leaving his lips was like music to my ears while the air from his mouth was caressing my heated skin, slowly rebuilding my need. "Cleo?"



"But I think I love doing it."

"Do it...with someone...else..." The moment I said those words, an image of Cleo with another woman filled my head and a strange feeling serge through my body... jealousy. I had no reason for it. He wasn't mine, I didn't even know him. But the feeling was there, making me wonder why it showed up.

"Nah... I don't think it will be so much fun with someone else." I was ready to say something smart, but he decided to finish our conversation with putting his wet lips on my oversensitive clit. The moan that left me was like from another person. With every move from Cleo, I was getting louder and louder, not caring for people hearing me, what they'll think of me...I was fully emerged in this bubble he managed to create for just the two of us, that I wasn't even sure there was a world outside these walls. "Such a responsive little thing."

"Cleo..." My nails were scratching at his head, his neck, his hands, everywhere I could reach him, without a doubt leaving red marks in their ways, but he didn't mind it. He was fully focused on making me absolutely mad, and nothing was going to distract him from his goal. The one finger moving in and out of my sleek channel changed to two. The stretching was feeling phenomenal, and when he curled them up towards my upper wall, I was ready to explode from the pleasure... but I needed just a little push. This was the moment when he was stopping his movement all the time before. But, strangely, not this time. He continued his assault on all of my nerves, his movements getting stronger, pushing harder, his mouth sucking stronger, in the search of this little bit of a push I needed. And he found it.

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