18 - Conversation

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I've never had a woman in my house. This was my secret place that no many people knew about, and I didn't like the idea of sharing it with anyone, especially the women I've met before. Plus, it was a lot easier to end things by just walking away from their places. It's a lot harder to make them leave yours, but I... having Hannah here... I really enjoy it. I wasn't sure how I would feel of having her in my personal space, but it was good, really good. And her helping me with everything, she was amazing. I tried to make her leave and let me deal on my own, because I didn't want to be a burden for her, but every time I mention it, she was either acting like she didn't hear me, or she was treating me with calling Max. It was really strange how close she was with my team leader, but at the same time, I was really grateful he was there to take care of her when I couldn't do it.

The only bad thing of having Hannah in my place right now was the ban on any sex activities. No matter how many times I tried to seduced her, she was strictly following the doctor's instructions, and my hand was getting tired of all the workouts it was having these days. I couldn't wait for the time I had the green light. I'll be getting between those soft thighs in a heartbeat.

There was one other thing that wasn't sure if I was happy about it or not. Every day, Hannah was in my house, helping me with cleaning, cooking, moving my leg, and building my strength in it, but every evening, she was going back home to her parents' house. I knew she was trying to show them that she wasn't jumping into this relationship with me, that she was giving it a time, but I find it I hate it when she was leaving every day. But on the other hand, it was probably for the best, because I have no idea how I was going to keep my hands to myself if we were sharing a bed.

"Where is your head at, Cleo?" I shook my head a little bit, trying to get back to the present where I was surrounded by my teammates in the gym. They came and got me from my house, for a change of my surroundings, plus I needed to make my leg work like before as quickly as possible and some machines here would help me with my goal.

"Nothing specific..."

"Which mean, Hannah, right?"

"Well, Ollie, I wouldn't call Hannah 'nothing specific,' but if you say so..."

"You are such a loser... you would have thought Cleo Jones, the town's playboy, was going to fall so deep so quickly..." I wouldn't. That was a sure thing, but I was happy none the less.

"So, anything interesting at work while I am not around?" I tried to change the topic, and luckily, my team let me.

"Nothing specific..." Bastard. "You know, same shit, different day and all that jazz."

"Anything on the unknown sniper?" I really didn't like the idea that we had someone so trained walking around unsupervised.

"Nothing. The bullet didn't give us any information, and like you predicted, there was nothing in that room. It's like he's some kind of a ghost."

"Yeah, but ghosts, don't use sniper rifles to kill people."

"Who knows, maybe they evolved." We were interrupted by the ringing on my phone. When I looked at the caller's ID, I knew this was going to be an unpleasant conversation.

"Yes, chief. What can I help you with?" Hearing me, everyone from my team stopped what they were doing and quietly listened to my end of the conversation.

"You can start with stopping that charade with my daughter, Jones." I was wondering when that conversation was going to happen. I guess he was kind enough to give me a few days before trying to rip me a new one.

"Sorry, sir, but can't do."

"Don't play games with me, boy. You may be amazing at your work, but we both know you can't be a suitable partner for her."

"I disagree, sir. I think we are very good together."

"You know I can make you leave the police force, Jones..."

"I know you can try it, sir, but I don't think it will be for the good of the SWAT team if you do it." That made everyone of my team to try to listen even harder, so I change the settings on my phone and put the boss on a speakerphone, so that all of my team could hear his words.

"You aren't unreplaceable, Jones. There are a lot of people who can do your job and follow my commands. Don't fool yourself. The sooner you understand it, the better for you." And with that, he ended the call.

"Did he lose his mind?" The first to speak was Ralph, who looked absolutely shocked by what he heard.

"He is very protective of Hannah..."

"I can see that, Cleo. Everyone can see it. But she is a grown-up woman. She can take her own choices."

"Yeah, well, he thinks her choice isn't good for her, so he'll do his best to get what he wants."

"What are you going to do?"

"Not follow his command, that's for sure."

"You know he'll make your life a living hell, right. He has the power to do it."

"Yeah, I know. But I can deal with it."

"I can't believe he's ready to replace you. Especially after your recent successes in that course. You beat everyone, and he is ready to let you go, just so he can control his daughter's love life. It's a total bullshit." Max was even more furious than Ralph.

"Well, you heard him. I'm easily replaceable, ... we'll see." I can't say I was happy for the idea of leaving this team, but I couldn't let the chief of the police get involved in my personal life.

"Are you going to tell Hannah about this call?"

"No. There is no need to worry her. It was hard enough to make her reveal our relationship in the first place. I can't even imagine what she'll start thinking if she finds out about this threat from her father."

"You sure this is the right choice?"

"She's an overthinker. She'll start thinking that she is a treat to my job and she'll try to let me go in some way, thinking it's for the best. I won't let her go there. It's better if she doesn't know about this call. That way, she won't make up some strange excuses to break up with me."

"You think she'll go there? After everything she said to him at the hospital?"

"I know she'll make herself believe that it will be better to be as far away for me as possible."

"And you disagree?"

"I highly disagree."

"Good." And that was that. Everyone went back to their machines to finish their workout while I was left to think what I could do to stop her father from trying to separate us. Sadly, I couldn't find a solution, and I knew I was going to be in hell once I got back to work. It was time to see who was the more stubborn person, and there was one thing the chief should know about me – I don't like to lose.    

***Looks like Chief Adams is ready to take the matters in his own hands. Do you think he'll make Cleo leave the Police?

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