6. Dinner With The Jacksons & Wrights

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October 18th, 1987
5:39 pm
Skylar POV

It's been two, well really three days, since I told Michael & man has he worked my nerves in this little time. 'I'm not an asshole' my ass. I'm gon kick his ass soon.

Currently, I am getting ready for dinner with Michael. Correction, dinner with Michael, his family, my family, Kae & Dawn. We were going to get everybody introduced & acquainted with each other, then we were going to drop the bomb. Kae & Dawn were coming for support. That, and they still haven't met Michael. Hopefully, they would act sane. I wasn't worried about them though. I just hoped everything would run smoothly.

Kae walked into my room with a strapless black & white lace dress with some black heels. "Aye you think I should do panties or no panties?"

I turned & looked at her crazy. "Panties or no- Kaelyn what the hell?"

"Just answer the question."

"Panties bitch!!" She pouted.

"I don't want to though," I gave her a look & she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Imma put on a thong." Then she hurried up & left out. I rolled my eyes. She is a hot mess. But that's my best friend of 20 years & I'd never replace her. I turned back to the mirror taking one last look at myself. I had on a cute little grey strapless dress. I sighed straightening it out. Let's hope for the best tonight.

I walked out of my room to see Dawn eating a plum watching 'The Cosby Show'. She had on a white long sleeve shirt with a floral skirt & white heels. I sat down next to her & started to smooth out my dress.

"Stop." I looked at her.

"Stop what?"

"Smoothing out your clothes. You always do that when you're nervous."

"But I can't help it," I whined. I was scared shitless.

"There's nothing to be worried about."

"Yes, there is. I don't know how my mom & dad will react. I got pregnant from a fucking one night stand. Not only will my parents be disappointed, the Jacksons will judge the fuck out of me. They'll think I'm a hoe or some shit." Dawn laughed. "It's not funny Dawn."

"Girl they won't judge you."

"Yes they will."

"You're right, they probably will." I rolled my eyes. She ain't no help. "But even if they do, don't worry about them. All you need to worry about is you & Baby Jackson." I smiled & looked down at my stomach. She's right.

"And," Kae said walking in the living room. "If they do judge you, i'll curse them out. I don't give a fuck if they are the Jacksons. They don't judge my best friend. She can have a one night stand & get pregnant if she wants to. That's her choice." Dawn laughed nodding her head. I scoffed & stood up.

"You got on panties Kae?"

"I told you I was putting on a thong." I rolled my eyes as I heard a honk outside.

"Come on hoe. That's probably the limo."

6:09 pm

I rung the doorbell of my parents' house & instantly heard my little brother's voice.

"Who is it?"

"The Boogeyman," I said sarcastically. I called when we were on the way so who the hell else would it be? He opened the door & looked me up & down.

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