10. Emotions

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November 21st, 1987
5:50 PM

"These past few weeks actually flew," I said as I cut up some potatoes.

"Yes & i'll be back in LA in less than 2 weeks. Did you miss me? You know you did," He said teasingly. I rolled my eyes.

"Here goes the narcissist."

"It's okay if you did. Cause I miss you," I blushed putting down the knife. After he kissed me that night his condo, he had seemed to get more comfortable with flirting. And I don't mean in his usual way. It was more sweet. We hadn't said anything about the kiss though. We hadn't even established any feelings yet. That is, if it was even feelings on his part. "So I guess you don't miss me huh?"

"I do..." I said smiling.

"You better," I scoffed playfully rolling my eyes. I could hear him smiling through the phone. "How's Michael Jr doing?"

"Oh little Sky is doing fine." He scoffed.

"We don't need a little Sky running around."

"Shit that's better than a Michael Jr. If it's a boy he'll probably be just like you."

"Whats wrong with that?"

"He'll be a narcissistic asshole with a hint of whore that's whats wrong!!"

"Fuck you," He said laughing & I giggled. "I'm not even a whore."

"Maybe not now. But you definitely were up until I got pregnant."

"...Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." I giggled shaking my head & walking over to the refrigerator. I opened it looking for an onion and... it wasn't there.

"Shit, I forgot the onion," I groaned. "I'm tired of driving."

"Ask Dawn or Kae to get it for you."

"Dawn isn't coming over today & Kae is with Tae. They probably fucking right now." He sighed.

"That sounds pretty nice right now."

"I just bet it does," I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Yeah but I have to get to sound check." It was about 10 in the morning in Australia. "I'll call you later. I l... Be safe." I furrowed my eyebrows but before I could respond I heard the dial tone. What the hell was that? I put the phone back on the hook & sighed. Do I really need this onion? I looked at my uncooked food & rolled my eyes. I guess I do.

6:11 PM

I walked towards the registers with a bag of onions. Might as well get enough to last for a while. I was almost there when I heard an all too familiar voice say "you should let me carry that for you." I took a deep breath turning around to be face to face with none other than Greg.

"Nah I think I got it," I said giving him a fake smile before turning around & walking away

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"Nah I think I got it," I said giving him a fake smile before turning around & walking away.

"Skylar..." He groaned as he ran up next to me.

"What Greg? What could you possibly want?" I snapped stopping to face him.

"I want you. I miss you. I miss us," He said grabbing my arm. I snatched it back.

"Don't touch me."

"Look, you didn't even give me a chance to explain," He whined. What the hell type of grown ass man whines?

"Explain?" I asked scoffing. "I didn't need any explanation. Her being on top of you was enough," I walked off again & he just ran up on the side of me.

"Sky, look. I'm sorry. She didn't mean anything to me. It's you I want. Only you. You gotta believe me," He pleaded. I stopped and looked at him. "We were together for years. And I know it's my fault we aren't any more but you gotta believe me. I really do love you." My emotions started to run wild. I really wanted to believe him. And maybe even forgive him. Don't judge me. I had been with him since I was a teenager. We grew up together. He was my first kiss, my first love & my first time. Wouldn't you be conflicted too?

The rational side of me instantly snapped me out of that. Goddamn pregnancy hormones.

"Babe?" I heard a female ask & we both turned. Walking up to us was that same hoe he cheated with, Amelia.

 Walking up to us was that same hoe he cheated with, Amelia

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She smirked wrapping her arms around him. "Oh hey Skylar."

I scoffed turning back to him. "You so fucking pathetic." And with that I walked away. I took deep breaths trying to calm down. I need to keep my blood pressure down for the baby's sake. I keep doing exercises while paying for my onions & walking out to the car.

But when I finally got in, I couldn't take it no more. I broke down. Stupid emotions.

Joseph POV

"You see her? Good. Follow her until I tell you not to," I said before hanging up. That boy think he gon disrespect me over that little bitch? He got another thing coming.

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