51. There For You

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for getting me to 100k reads!! I'm surprised this book has even been read that much considering how long it takes me to update 💀 but shoutout to yall for hanging in there & following Skylar & Michael's story. The story should be over in the next 20 chapters so bare with me. Thank you again. Love yall.

August 25th, 1993
11:55 AM

August 24th, 1993 is a day I'll hate forever.

The Chandler family is a family I'll hate forever.

Michael's stubbornness & refusal to listen to the people who care about him & constantly tells him that the people he surrounds himself with are snakes is something I'll also hate forever.

"He's still not answering!!" I yelled, frustrated, slamming down the phone. 

"I've been paging him," AJ said, shaking his head. "He still hasn't hit me back." Tae & Kae walked in carrying the twins, looking stressed out.

"Nothing?" I asked & they shook their heads. I groaned in frustration, about to pull my hair out. "What if he killed himself?!?"

"He wouldn't do that," Daddy said as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, he would never leave you & the twins." I groaned, thinking about my children. I needed to take them out of private school & get them homeschooled immediately. I didn't need anybody's snot-nosed kid or an ignorant parent or teacher attempting to come for my children, especially not with the way I was feeling right now. I could choke the shit out of the next person who pissed me off & not even blink twice.

"Did you try his manager?" John asked, scratching his head.

"I tried everybody, even Bill!! No answer," I groaned, plopping down on the couch. I swear, I just wanted this family to have one good year. Just one!! "Child molestation allegations. WHAT TYPE OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?!? HE HAS TWO KIDS OF HIS OWN!! A SON OF HIS OWN, HE WOULD NEVER WANT TO HURT ANY CHILD!!" My family stared at me sadly as I practically had a mental breakdown.

I could not believe this was happening. He did not deserve any of this. I really couldn't wrap my head around it.

"I'm going to go check on the twins & lay down," I mumbled, rubbing my head before turning & heading upstairs without another word.

I checked MJ's room first & saw that he wasn't in there. Then I checked Serenity's room, seeing her & MJ playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. They were giggling, trying to collect as many marbles as possible. I smiled slightly, leaning against the door, watching them. They were in their own world, so happy, so innocent.

Serenity looked up at me, smiling. "You wanna play with us, mommy?" MJ looked up at me too, with his big brown eyes, looking just like Michael. I smiled.

"Yes. Mommy gotta show you how it's done," I said, smiling and walking over to join them on the floor.

"Mommy you're going to lose!!" MJ said excitedly as Serenity reset the game. I sat down between the two of them.

"You're going to lose too, MJ," Serenity said as a matter of factly.

"I already beat you three times!!" MJ exclaimed & I chuckled as Serenity rolled her eyes at him.

"So? You're going to lose this time," She said smartly as she grabbed her handle. "Ready?" Both MJ & I grabbed our handles. "Go!!"

We played a few rounds, laughing most of the time we played. And for a moment, I forgot about what was happening outside of this house.

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