12. Brand New

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January 30th, 1988
9:22 am

It seemed liked everyday my feelings for Michael grew. It was crazy how much I was really falling for him. Every time we would just lay in my bed & talk or go to his condo & relax, I would just feel myself falling more and more in love with him.

And I was scared out of my mind.

I wasn't ready to be in love again.

Well I wasn't ready to have a baby either but you see where I am now.

But still. I couldn't put my heart on the line again. I couldn't afford to be hurt again.

And somehow, I think Michael felt the exact same way I was feeling.

Our ride to the private doctor Michael got me was quiet. Michael had been starting to act different. He wasn't his same asshole self.

Well, he was acting like an asshole, but not the playful one I had grown feelings for over these past couple of months. He was more standoffish. He stopped spending nights. Hell he barely came over unless he was checking up on me. When he called to check on me, that was all he would call for. Then he would hang up.

Everybody who surrounded us noticed it. I was confused, and hurt. But that's what I get for catching feelings for him, I guess.

I parked the car & he got out (with his disguise on of course) & opened the door for me. Then we walked in quietly. I went up to the reception desk while he sat in one of the chairs. I checked in before sitting next to him. The two people who were in there were staring at him & I guess it made him mad cause he bucked at them, making them look away. I held my laughter in. This man is crazy.

After sitting in silence for another 15 minutes, the doctor finally called us. We got up & walked into the room where the nurse did a little check up before telling us the doctor would be in shortly.

Once again, nothing but silence between us. It was really killing me so I decided to speak up.

"Michael." He looked at me with a blank face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," He said plainly. I gave him a 'really' look.

"Really? Because every since you've been back from tour you've been acting different." He just shrugged. "Michael-" Before I could finish, in walked the doctor.

"Hello again, Ms. Wright, Mr. Jackson."

"Hello Dr. McKnight," We said in unison.

"So we're here for our monthly check up huh?" Dr. McKnight asked & I nodded. "Ready to see what you're having?" I nodded excitedly & I saw Michael's mood switch. "Okay, sit back & lift your shirt up." I did as told as Michael walked over to me. Dr. McKnight got the machine ready before turning back to me. Her eyes widened. "Your stomach has gotten big."

"Told you," Michael mumbled. I shoved him, making him laugh a little.

"Well let's see what this is about." She put the gel on my belly & I shivered a little. Why is this always so cold? She put the transducer on my stomach & I immediately heard the sound of my baby's heart beat. I could see Michael smiling out of the corner of my eye. "Hmm. Wait a minute." Both me & Michael snapped our heads towards the screen. Dr. McKnight moved the transducer around & we could see what she was talking about.

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