25. Adore

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June 21st, 1988
12:18 PM

I stared at my beautiful brown babies as they both slept. I should've been using the time that they were sleep to catch up on mine, but I couldn't look away.

"You should take a nap baby," Mama Kat said as she came in the room. We were at Neverland, waiting for Michael to come home. He had a few days to spare in between tour and he was so excited. He wanted us ready and waiting for him here.

"I know but..." I touched Serenity's hand. "They're so beautiful." Mama Kat chuckled.

"I know. But try to get some rest." I nodded as she turned the lights off before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. I laid down & closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

1:38 PM

I heard MJ's (that's what we call the baby) cries & I thought he was hungry so I woke up. But, it was just Michael bothering him.

"You couldn't wait till they were done napping?" I asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. He shook his head as he rocked him. The look on his face was priceless. He looked like he was in love & it made my heart flutter.

"So this is our baby boy huh?" He asked, smiling at me. I nodded. Then he looked at Serenity. "And that's our baby girl?"

"Yeah," I said with a smile. He sat down on the bed & sighed in bliss.

"We made some beautiful babies."

"That we did," I said as I watched him admire the babies. Michael tried to put MJ back down but he started to whine so he kept holding him.

"You got them spoiled already huh?" Michael asked with a laugh as MJ snuggled up against his chest.

"It's not all my fault! Between, me, my parents, AJ, Tae, Kae, Dawn, your mom-"

"I get it," He said chuckling & I laughed too. Serenity moved around a little before letting out a small cry.

"Ohhh baby," I said picking her up & rocking her. She continued to cry so I pulled out my breast & placed my nipple in her mouth. She latched on & started sucking hard, making me wince. I looked at Michael, who was looking at me & Serenity.

"Does it hurt?" He asked & I shrugged.

"A little. I'm getting used to it though." He nodded as he looked back down at MJ. It was quiet for a moment as we both stared at the babies. Serenity kept moving her arm across my chest as she stared up at me with her big eyes. I smiled as she closed them again, falling back to sleep. I heard Michael sniff the air & I looked at him. He made a face.

"You smell that?" I snickered. "What?"

"He probably shitted." Michael made a face as he held him up. "Smell his diaper." He sniffed it before gagging & I laughed making Serenity jump a little. I rocked her as Michael stood up.

"I'll go change him," He said as he made his way to the door.

"You do that," I said with a snicker as he walked out. I looked down at Serenity who was looking at me. "Your daddy is so goofy." She just responded by moving her arm again. I just smiled before caressing her face. "You're so pretty. I love you." She grabbed my finger & my heart fluttered. I swear I was so in love with my babies.

Michael POV

"Yeah, you smell much better now," I said to MJ as I picked him up and he blinked in response. I smiled before kissing his cheek. I couldn't believe I was a father now. This time last year everything was so different. I was doing my own thing, preparing for the album and now I have a family.

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