56. Scream

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January 4th, 1995
9:19 AM

"Am I always going to have to be the one to come & make sure you didn't kill yourself?" Kae asked when I opened the front door for her. She had Kaleb on one hip & Deanna on the other. "What did we say we were going to do different this year? We said no more being a recluse right? No more being distant?" She asked as she walked inside the house. I closed the door before turning to her as she put the twins down.

"Yeah, well, that's easier said than done," I said, walking past her into the kitchen. "You try not being a recluse when all you feel is emptiness inside you."

"Skylar, sweetie, you gotta move forward," She said following me. I looked back at her squinting. "You know your daddy wouldn't want you to be like this. And he especially wouldn't have want you to quit dancing. It's your dream."

"How did we go from talking about me not being a recluse to my daddy & my dance career?" I asked, grabbing a plum & rinsing.

"Because part of you not being a recluse is doing what your daddy knew made you happy which is continuing your dance career. It's a new year, let's make something good out of it."

"This year is probably going to be just as shitty as the last year was," I said, taking a bite of my plum. It was sweet, just like I like it.

"It will be with that attitude," She said, grabbing two plums. "Deanna!! Kaleb!!" They ran in as she washed them off before handing it to them. They turned to run back out. "Aht aht!! Table." They walked over to the kitchen table & sat down. Kae turned back to me. "You seemed to have a better attitude before the New Years. What happened?" Michael kissing me was what popped into my mind. I felt guilty. Guilty because he was married & guilty because I liked it.

"Michael kissed me on new years," I said lowly & her eyes got big.

"What?!?" She asked & the twins looked at her like she was crazy. She grabbed me, pulling me out the kitchen. "What the hell Skylar? Wha- how did this even happen?" So I told her about my New Years Eve. "Ugh!! Im so sick of you two!!"

"I didn't even do anything this time!!" I said, putting my hands up.

"It doesn't matter, you're both exhausting. You two don't know if you want to be together, be friends, or hate each other!! You two should've just gotten married like you were supposed to & called it a day!! But no, you two want to be stubborn, want to call yourselves moving on & some other bullshit!! It's been seven years, just hurry up and figure it out!! Damn!!!" I stared at Kae as she took a breath after her rant. "Yall give me a damn headache."

"I mean... I figured it out."

"Yeah, after that negro decided to get married. That revelation should've came, I don't know, maybe before you decided to call off your engagement almost five years ago," She said sarcastically. "Which was a dumb ass idea in the first place. You two let little shit break you up & for what? To still be in love with each other years later? You know, I love the two of you but you two can be so damn stupid."

"I'm really trying to understand why I'm getting cussed out like i'm the one who initiated the kiss or something?"

"Because I've been holding onto this stuff for years!! And this seemed like the right time to say something, but okay, about the kiss," She said before pondering for a moment. "I got nothing. I'm drawing a blank. Sorry to Lisa, but it was going to happen sooner or later. Don't fuck him yet though, wait until the marriage is over," She headed into the kitchen. I followed.

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