52. Ignorance Was Bliss

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June 9th, 1994
9:26 AM

Dirty thirty came and went and I was now thirty-one. The day started great, but it wouldn't stay that way and my 31st year would turn out to be my hardest.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," John sang lowly in my ear before kissing my neck, making me giggle. "Happy birthday to Skylar, happy birthday to you."

"That was cute," I said, turning my head to him & pecking his lips.

"You're cute," He said before pulling me closer to him & starting a full-blown make-out session.

Even though I was thirty-one, being with him made me feel like a teenager again.

Until my six-year-old children would come and remind me that I wasn't.

MJ & Serenity busted into my room, making me & John pull back quickly.

"Happy birthday mommy!!" They yelled excitedly, climbing onto the bed. I chuckled, looking over at John who was grinning.

"Thank you babies," I said, pulling them into a hug.

"You're welcome," Serenity said, cheesing like it was her birthday.

"We got you a gift," MJ said excitedly.

"Let me see." They climbed off the bed & ran out of the room. Fifteen seconds later, they came back in with a teddy bear, some candy, roses and a homemade card. "Awwww," I said, cheesing as they handed me their gifts. "Thank you so much."

"John helped us out," MJ pointed at John.

"Don't point, baby, that's not nice," I said as I looked at John who was still grinning. Then I looked at the card they gave me. On the front were 3 stick figures, two with hair, one without any, and one of the ones with hair was taller than the other two, so i'm guessing it was the three of us. I chuckled at their drawing before opening up the card. Inside it said 'happy birthday mommy. You are the best mommy ever. We love you a lot."

I teared up a little before looking at the children who stood in front of me. I still couldn't believe that I had given birth to them, and it had been six years. I really had never felt love like this before.

"Why are you crying, mommy? You don't like it?" MJ asked, his big brown eyes staring at me worriedly. Serenity looked at me the same way.

"I do like it, I love it. Thank you," I said, pulling them in for a tight hug. They hugged me back before we all let go. "Now go start getting ready so when your daddy gets here there are no problems." They nodded before running out of the room.

I wiped my eyes & turned to John, who gave me a smug look.

"So emotional." I flicked him off as I got out of the bed, heading to the bathroom. "Come back to bed & we can." I giggled before walking in the bathroom, getting ready for the day.

An hour later, I was downstairs finishing breakfast when I heard the door unlock & the twins scream 'daddy', indicating my baby daddy had arrived.

"Oooh, watch out. Daddy will hug you in a minute," Michael said before appearing in the kitchen with a big bouquet of white roses, making my eyes widen.

 Daddy will hug you in a minute," Michael said before appearing in the kitchen with a big bouquet of white roses, making my eyes widen

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