36. Give In To Me

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June 23rd, 1989
12:00 PM

"So how was your vacation?" Dr. Brown asked as Michael & I sat in our therapy session. All Michael did was smirk. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"It was nice. Very relaxing," I said.

"Very," Michael said smirking. Dr. Brown chuckled.

"So what did you guys do?"

"We had s-"

"We went sailing," I said, looking at Michael who was trying to hold back a laugh. So childish. "We went to Pearl Harbor, went on a haunted tour, went parasailing, went on a waterfall hike & so much more." It was the most amazing trip I had been on & knowing Michael, there was definitely many more trips I would be going on that would out do this one.

"That all sounds very fun," Dr Brown said smiling. "Do you feel like this trip was needed?"

"Yes," We both said quickly.

"Do you feel like, other than going to see the sights, that you got some quality time with each other?"

"Yes. Much needed quality time," Michael said nodding. "Because when we're home, it's kind of hectic. I'm working on the album, trying to keep my career going and she's taking care of the kids while also trying to live her life." 'Live her life' not keep my career going because I don't have a career! "Sometimes there isn't enough time for each other."

Dr. Brown nodded, taking notes. "Well this sounds like your trip was a great idea, because you got to spend well night time together, and also, the first therapy session you two had together was very tense. I can tell you two are in a better place." We both nodded, looking at each other. "So I want you guys to make sure that at least once a week, you make time for each other. Rather it be going on dates or just hanging out together." We nodded. "But no sex." It was like a record scratched. I looked at Michael, dumbfounded as Michael looked at Dr. Brown dumbfounded.

"...huh?" Michael asked.

"No sex. Sex is what got you two to where you are now, I understand, but is that what your relationship is all about? Some couples find that once they take the sex out of things, they no longer have something in common."

"But Dr. Brown, me & Skylar know we have something in common other than sex. For the first seven months of her pregnancy we didn't have sex!!"

"Yes, but you were also around her originally because she was pregnant, not because you really wanted to be." I looked at Michael who looked like he was lost for words.

"W-well when I was on tour, we didn't have sex." I squinted my eyes at him. Was he really about to argue Dr. Brown up & down just so he could keep sex in the relationship? Dr. Brown chuckled.

"It's always the hardest for men." Michael sighed.

"How long are we going to be doing this?" Dr. Brown shrugged.

"As long as you need to. There's never a certain cut off time, it's just until you make your relationship better. And the two of you need to input a lot more trust into each other before you do anything else in the relationship. Otherwise, you could have so much in common, but you won't trust each other & it still won't work."

1:01 PM

Michael & I walked out of Dr. Brown's office in silence. It's like every time I stopped worrying about if our trust issues would get in the way of our relationship, something would bring that worry back up. But, I just had to keep telling myself that everything would be fine.

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