24. Baby, Baby

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May 20th, 1988
8:11 PM

"Are you comfortable?" My mother asked as I made myself comfortable in the tub. I sighed in bliss nodding. "Okay. Yell if you need me."

"No problem doing that," I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes before walking out. I closed my eyes, letting myself relax. It had been a long day full of Braxton Hicks contractions. This was the third time I had experienced them, I don't even know why I keep falling for it.

I was due any day now, and I was ready to give birth. I felt horrible, my feet were swollen, I got tired easily, I stayed with heartburn and if I blinked too hard I would pee on myself.

Because of all that, my attitude was through the roof and everybody was tired. I cussed Tae out two weeks ago & I haven't seen him since. I feel bad but nobody told him to eat my last Krispy Kreme doughnut. Especially after I made Michael and my father go all the way to Bakersfield to get them.

And yes I said made. Michael suggested sending one of his people, but I snapped on him about how they are not his slaves. When he said he couldn't drive, which I had forgotten all about with this pregnancy brain, I told daddy to go with him. And daddy didn't argue.

I really feel bad, but I can't help it. I'm miserable. I'm just ready to give birth already.

I watched as the twins moved around in my stomach & poked them. One of them pressed back where my finger was & I smiled.

"Are you two ready to come out just as much as mommy wants you out?" They responded by moving. "You know you two should've come weeks ago when daddy was still here." Michael had left for tour once again. He had left today, and he didn't want to leave cause we both knew the twins would be coming soon, but he had no choice. He was pretty sad because he knew it was a 99% chance that he would miss the birth of his firstborn & I felt bad. I had tried to go into labor before he left, but you know it's not really up to me.

But on a better note, he & I had been getting along much better than the previous month. Well, as best as a hormonal pregnant woman can get along with a person she holds some type of feelings for. Michael made sure I was good, fed, went to the birthing classes with me, etc. We still weren't back in the place we were at before March, but as I said before we might not ever be. But at least, he didn't try to talk to me about the situation. Our focus was the babies. That's it, that's all. For now.

My family knew I wasn't ready to face that situation with him yet so they decided to turn the guest room into a nursery for the babies.

My family knew I wasn't ready to face that situation with him yet so they decided to turn the guest room into a nursery for the babies

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It was sweet, and it made me cry. One, because I was happy, but also because it made me realize how far off track my life had gone. I went from having my own apartment, paying my own bills, living my life, to getting pregnant and moving in with the father of my kids & quitting school, then back home living with my parents. I was a little down, but I got over it.

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