43. No Happy Holidays

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November 22nd, 1990
2:37 PM

"Alright & that's that," Mama said as she closed the oven door. Then she wiped her hands before looking at me. "They should be done by the time it's time for dinner," She said. "We can start on the dressing & macaroni now."

Yall know what time of year it is. It's thanksgiving!! And this year, Michael & I were hosting it at Neverland.

I don't know who's bright idea was that, considering we were still on the outs.

He was still mad about me wanting a DNA test for Mia, I was still mad about him accusing the twins of not being his on top of my unresolved anger I had before, so we weren't really on talking terms these days.

But tonight, our family & friends were coming over, we were going to have fun, and that would be that.

And hopefully, there was no drama.

Who am I kidding? There's always drama with us.

6:31 PM

Around 6, the guests started arriving. Of course, the men immediately ran to the movie theater to watch the football games that were happening while the women and children actually had conversations with each other.

"Ms. Katherine, you wanna try some of these yams?" Mama asked as we moved around the kitchen. It was me, mama, Katherine, Janet & Rebbie in there, cooking up a storm. We were throwing down!! The smell of all that food had me ready to eat.

"Yes let me get a taste," Katherine said, walking over to my mama. Mama gave her a fork with some yams on it & Katherine took it, taking a bite. "Woo!! That is good!!" Everybody in the kitchen started cracking up.

"Hello, hello!!" Dawn said walking in the kitchen with Randal behind her.

"Heyyy!!" All the women exchanged hugs with her & Randal.

"Hey Randal," I said hugging him. "The mens are in the theater watching football if you wanna go ahead."

"You ain't got to tell me once," He said before kissing Dawn's cheek. "See yall when it's time to eat!!" He practically ran out the kitchen, causing everybody to laugh before going back to work. Dawn came by me & whispered in my ear.

"I got the results," I looked at her, eyes wide. "Come on."

"I'll be back," I said, walking out of the kitchen.

I bet you're wondering how the hell I got a DNA test done without Michael knowing. Well, they let you submit damn near everything as a sample. That's technology for you nowadays.

I got a cotton swab & swabbed Mia's ear (i'm a horrible person I know). And lucky me, Michael cleaned his own ears & I got the swab out of the garbage.

I just really needed to find out. If it comes back that she is his, i'll admit that i'm not a great person & I'll apologize. If it comes back that she's not his, im whooping Tanya's ass.

We headed up to the room because that was probably the only place we would get privacy in the house since there were people everywhere.

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