7. Dinner With Joe Jackson

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October 19th, 1987
8:12 am

"So last night went well, right?" Michael asked when he called waking me up out of my sleep for the third day in the row. I swear he's going to get cursed out one of these days.

"It actually did. I thought it was going to be some big commotion."

"Probably would've if Joseph was there," He mumbled.

"What's so bad about your father? And why do you call him by his first name?"

He sighed. "Its a story I rather save for later." He then changed the subject. "You have to work after class today?"

"Nope. I have 3 classes today so no work for me. Why? You plan on trying that lunch date shit again?"

He chuckled. "That would be nice but I have some business I have to take care of today. I'm on my grown man shit today." I rolled my eyes.

"We can never have one conversation without the asshole appearing, can we?"

"That's my better half. I can't just keep him away." I could practically hear him smiling through the phone. I scoffed.

"That's your better half?"


"I'm hanging up now." I heard him laugh as I hung up the phone. That man is a hot mess.

5:43 PM
Michael POV

I walked into the Hayvenhurst estate, glad that my day was over early. This tour has been so stressful & i'm just getting started. I headed towards the kitchen, my body aching, when I stopped abruptly. Joseph was walking out of his office looking down at some papers in his hands. Oh fuck. I didn't think he'd be back from his... well... honestly I was just not ready to face him.

I hadn't seen him since I came back from tour & I really didn't want to see him now that I had something to tell him because I don't know how he will react. No, actually I do know how he'll react & that's the problem.

I darted into the kitchen before Joseph could see me & saw Mother (and other chefs) in there preparing dinner. Mother looked up & already knew.

"You saw Joseph?" I nodded. "Did he see you?" I shook my head. "Well you came into the wrong place if you're trying to hide from him." Crap. Just as soon as she said that Joseph walked in the kitchen. I internally groaned. Goddammit. Why lord? Joseph looked up & looked at me with a mean mug. I didn't take offense though. I know that's his natural look.

"Hello Michael." I nodded.

"Hello Joseph."

"How you doing with the tour & all?" I looked at Mother, confused why he was trying to make conversation but she looked back down & continued cutting whatever she was cutting. Thanks a lot Mother. I turned back to Joseph, who was sitting down on a stool by the oven.

"It's good. Stressful, but good." He nodded & looked back down at his paper. I looked at Mother once again & she nodded her head towards the door, signifying that it was safe to get the hell out. I wasted no time getting out of that kitchen. As soon as I was out of earshot from Joseph, I let out a big sigh of relief. Damn, it's going to be hell trying to tell him I got a girl pregnant.


"Damn, the only bad part about this baby is that I ain't gon be able to do a lot in dance anymore," I said as I rubbed my belly & walked into the apartment with Kae & Dawn.

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