18. The King & Prince

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March 2nd, 1988
6:01 PM

"I am officially panicking," I said into the phone as I sat on the bed. We were leaving for the award show soon & that was when I realized I was about to be surrounded by a bunch of big-name celebrities.

"Why? You are walking in with one of the biggest names in music!!" Kae said.

"Plus you look gorgeous," Dawn added.

"How do you know? You can't even see me."

"Because the dress was pretty when we saw it, you're pretty & pretty plus pretty equals gorgeous," Kae said. I sighed.

"Thanks. But back to the problem at hand."

"Why are you so worried? You should be enjoying this. You get to mingle with the famous."

"They might judge me."

"For what?" I smacked my forehead.

"I got pregnant by a man who isn't even mine."

"They don't know that," Dawn said.

"Speaking of not yours, when yall gon get together officially?" I sucked my teeth.

"Yall are no help. Bye." I put the phone on the hook & sighed. Sky calm down. They're just regular people. It's no big deal. I took a deep breath as somebody knocked on the door.

"Sky, you okay?"

"Yeah just give me a minute!" I took a few more deep breaths before I stood up & walked over to the door, opening it. Michael was standing by the couch messing his jacket & managed to look up when he heard me come out. He stopped fiddling with his jacket & his eyes widened a little, staring at me.

 He stopped fiddling with his jacket & his eyes widened a little, staring at me

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"How do I look?" I asked shyly.

"You- wow," He said walking over to me.

"Is 'wow' a good thing?" I asked. He grabbed my hands.

"Beyond good. You look beautiful," Michael said, making me smile.

"Thank you." He smiled at me. "You look handsome."

"Well you know," He said shrugging a little. I rolled my eyes & took my hands out of his.

"You always ruin the moment," I said walking away from him.

"Oh, we were having a moment?" Michael asked, and I could tell he was smirking. I shook my head as I turned around. I was right, he was smirking.

"Just come on."

"Somebody is eager," He said walking over to me. He grabbed my coat, helping me put it on.

"You are too."

"Maybe a teensy bit." Michael slipped on his coat & opened the door, letting me go first.

"Well, let's hope for goodnight."

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