35. DMSR

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June 18th, 1989
11:22 AM

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Michael as I handed over Serenity to my mother.

"Girl if you don't go. You act like I never raised children before," My mother said as she bounced Serenity on her hip, not even letting Michael answer.

"Besides babe, you've been with them non-stop since they were born. You deserve a break," Michael said, rubbing my back to try & comfort me.

I sighed. "Fine. There is plenty of breast milk in the refrigerator," Lord knows my breasts were hurting from so much pumping. "If anything goes wrong-"

"Nothing is going to go wrong Skylar, dang," AJ said. I rolled my eyes.


"Now go & have fun," My mother said.

"Yeah but not too much," Daddy added as MJ sat on his hip babbling. "No more babies for a long time, okay?" Both Michael & I blushed nodding. Then we exchanged hugs & goodbyes with my parents & brother.

"Mhm bye-bye babies," I said giving Serenity & MJ a bunch of kisses all over their faces. They giggled & I smiled sadly.

"Come on baby, before you change your mind," Michael said before swooping me up off my feet, making sure I didn't try to turn around & change my mind. He carried me out the door towards the car, where Wayne was waiting with the door open.

"Have a safe trip!!" Mama yelled after us. "Let us know when you make it!!"

I peaked over Michael's shoulder & saw the babies looking confused about where their mommy & daddy were going without them.

"Stop staring at them, Sky. You're torturing yourself."

"I can look at my babies," I hissed, looking up at him. He laughed, shaking his head before putting me on my feet & helping me into the car. He climbed in behind me & Wayne closed the door before hopping in & pulling off. I looked out the back window seeing my family still standing in the doorway watching. I couldn't see the twins faces, but I could imagine their little chubby cheeks as they pouted. They probably would start crying soon.

I felt Michael grab my hand & I looked over at him. "They're going to be fine. They're in great hands."

I sighed. "I know."

"We're gonna have fun for these few days, okay?" I nodded looking out the window. He rubbed my hand comfortingly before intertwining our fingers.

He didn't get it. He had spent way more time away from the twins then I ever had. The longest I had been away from them was only a few hours, and even then it hadn't felt right.

But this was my birthday/anniversary trip so there was no backing out. We needed this anyways.

We arrived at the private jet & got out. We headed inside the plane, greeting the crew before heading towards the seats in the back. I don't know why it was only going to be me & Michael on this plane. He made security get on a separate one for whatever reason.

Within 10 minutes, we were off. I was kind of nervous, this was only my second time on a plane. And you know Michael was no help. No matter how many times he's flown, he still hated it.

"You are now free to move about the cabin," The pilot said over the speaker. I took off my seat belt & stood up.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked.

"I'm about to go outside," I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes as I smirked.

"Have fun with that." I laughed before heading towards the bathroom. I opened the door, looking around at it, before walking in & locking it.

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