Chp 21: Not Again.

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-Later That Day-

Jax sitting on the couch watching Ninjago

Jump up, get back whip around, and spin
C'mon, c'mon, we gonna do it again
We just jump up, get back whip around and spin
C'mon, c'mon, do the weekend whip, yeah

He chuckled, and he stood up
Bout time I go and make some groceries. Imma go ahead and get my clothes on, lucky my body had a high pain tolerance, but first!

He grabbed his phone and started playing "Home" by Dizzyeight

Girl, you know I had to write a song ’bout you
I been in my feelings thinking all ’bout you
I love your soul
Your heart is precious treasure, baby, something made of gold
And anytime I think of you, I always think of home
It don’t matter where you are, it don’t matter where you go
No, you’re not alone
By your side where I belong, and there ain’t no moving, no, without you

Suddenly, knocking comes from his front door
Who could that be? He said as he cut off the music

Jax walked over to the doorway and opened it, seeing Kinger
H-hey Jax, do you have a minute?

JJ already told me & Ragatha... He said as he folded his arms

Ah! So you know... Look, Jax, I can explain-

Save your breath, I moved on. He said he leaned against the door I don't feel anything for Pomni anymore.

I-i see... But please don't be mad at her, she was drunk and that was only because she was peer-pressured. And nothing happened!

Kay, explain what happened then.

Okay! So she told you that she wanted me to make sure Pomni was good and I did. But-

Yeah, she told me that she was coming on to you! He said nonchalantly as he looked at his nails

But Jax! It's more than you think! If you heard her, you'd understand!

Well I wasn't but from what I was told and shown, you have too gotten-

Jax... I don't blame you for not believing us.

Pomni said as she stepped from the side of the wall, wearing one of Gangle's smiling masks

What? Why are you wea-

Yes, Jax... She said in a hurt tone I know... You nothing for me, you have every right to feel that way, you have the right to hate if you do so... I won't deny that I came onto Kinger, I was... Drunk, I want under the influence of alcohol...
From your perspective... You told me your feelings and I said you were like a brother to me only to see me and your friend in a very questionable setting... But I would never do something so cruel, acting as if I'm not asexual one moment and then heterosexual the next...
I don't expect you to forgive me... But... I just came here to clean up the misunderstanding... I hope you believe me... But from what you saw, the chances of that are very low... And when I heard you got into that car crash, I felt so... Hurt... Not only because you were hospitalized, but because I was the one who made you do something like that... Many apologies from me can't fix what I put you through...

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