01 | four months

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Dedication: azaleahs because she is just an amazing writer and inspiration. I also once commented on her profile that I had a spoon when she said she wanted to stab herself with a fork so...don't know how that's relevant to my dedication but, oh well :)



        Life sucked.

        It was unfair, displeasing, heartbreaking, and just plainly sucked. Thing about life and the universe was that once you get a good thing in your life, it feels the need to rip it away from you, leaving you with nothing. The four months, a very painful summer, without Clara have been pure hell for the McCall pack, specifically Stiles and Scott.

        Even though there was millions of phone calls, texts, and voice-mails, mainly from Stiles, that pleaded for Clara to return home, there was no answer. No response; no one even knew if she was okay. But there was nothing that any of them could do but give her the space she so desperately wanted. Stiles could remember the day clearly, how she showed up on his porch with a hundred burdens to bear and a lingering kiss on his lips.

        The moment she walked off his porch, saying that goodbye, everything hurt. It was a stinging and burning pain in his chest indicating the immense heartbreak. For a majority of his life, there was one girl set in his mind; Lydia Martin. The strawberry blonde with the charm, brains, and popularity. Also the girl who never looked twice his way. But suddenly, in comes the new girl. Of course, the feelings didn't start right away but once Clara showed up at his house after breaking up with her boyfriend and learning a deadly family secret, the romance busted out from nowhere.

        Stiles knew that it would have been selfish to ask, beg, for her to stay. He knew that the only way for her to fix herself was to leave. But that didn't take the anger and sadness away. It wasn't like Stiles wasn't the only one suffering. Scott, who had quickly seen Clara as a mentor and best friend, felt the lost of her absence. Lydia and Allison, who were some-what oblivious to the self-hatred brewing inside of Clara, understood nothing. And Derek, the man who screwed up their relationship, suddenly knew what it was like to love someone so much that it hurt to let them go.

       The four month summer was boring without the supernatural world intervening. Scott was mending a broken heart as well as Allison who fled to France. Derek was working with Isaac and Peter to find out more about the disappearance of his two lost betas and an Alpha Pack that rolled into town. Jackson, the former Kanima but now new werewolf, left for London without a hesitation. The Argent family retired from their life of hunting since the outcomes of that lifestyle twisted its way into deep ruins.

       For Stiles, each day seemed long and endless. It's not like he didn't have nothing to do but the constant thought of Clara didn't leave. Who knew when she was coming back or if she was coming back at all? How was Stiles suppose to move on when he didn't even realized the depth of his feelings until it was too late and she was long gone.

       It was like Clara was the forbidden fruit that he wasn't suppose to eat. They didn't match nor would they work. But that didn't stop the feelings that Stiles was growing to continue. He knew her and how she was. She covered her fear and compassion with a ruthless exterior and a secluded heart. The first step of her slowly breaking was Derek cheated on her. She took a large risk to be with him and gave him a large amount of trust but he betrayed that by kissing another girl and turning his back on her.

        Then there was Tate, who lied about her parent's death. When it was revealed that Clara's parents had a made a deal with hunters about never having children and broke that deal by having Ian and Clara. All that was left for Clara was guilt. The guilt caused by the fact that her parent's death was all her fault. After that, one by one, everything started to fall apart with no intention to be placed back together. 

        Four Months.

        Four months of moving on and trying to let go.

✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘   

        The air was thick and dry, filling the lungs with dust and bacteria. There was no light, only a blue dimness that shined. The temperature changed every so often; changing from hot to cold, humid to cool. For four months, Boyd and Erica have been trapped in a bank vault. They decided to leave Derek's pack and find a new one, only to be captured by a pack of vicious Alphas.

        Another girl was captured as well about a week or two earlier. Her name was Cora, the apparent "dead" younger sister of Derek Hale. The Alphas were cruel and ruthless, almost enjoying the torture that the betas were feeling. No food, no water, no nothing. It was like sleeping in a prison cell but worse. They were prisoners in a cell where they couldn't escape. 

        The Alphas told them little of the plan they had for Scott and Derek, only mentioning a lunar eclipse. But the longer the trapped werewolves stay, the worse it got. Every full moon they didn't feel it which pent up anxiety, anger, and the animalistic feeling of blood lust. It was all bottled up and waiting to explode. 

          "When do you think we'll get out." Boyd asked, leaning against the wall. He was pale, exhausted, with sweat beaming down his forehead. It was hard to stay awake. "When do you think we'll get to leave this vault."

        "I don't know." The voice replied.

        "....They killed Erica." Tears brimmed his eyes, his voice weak with sadness yet lingered in anger. Kali had ruthlessly ripped her apart in this very vault while the other werewolves watched in horror.

        "I know. I remember." The voice softly said. "Someone will save us."

        Boyd nodded. "Someone will find us." He turned his head to look at the werewolf he was speaking too.

        It was Clara.

✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘  

Oh my God, it is here! The very first chapter of the third book! I am so excited to start this book and excited to start off Clara's journey of season three! Just letting y'all know that the Q&A page is always open so if you have any questions what so ever than it's open!

~ ~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)

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