17 | under the mistletoe

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   Once noticing that Jennifer, their main and only target, was sneaking out through the elevator, the Voltron Twins let go of Scott and charged down the hallway, leaving the group behind. Clara inhaled deeply, her fangs and yellow eyes never leaving. Peter and Clara shared a look, before the oldest Hale swiftly grabbed his unconscious niece and plant her over his shoulder. The werewolves were hastily leading the group down the hallway, feeling the ground shake beneath them as the twins now began to follow them, completely forgetting Jennifer. 

     Clara made sure Cora was in site, not allowing Peter to fall behind in the line. Making sure Cora was safe was the main priority. But with two mega twins on their trail, it wasn't an easy task. "Don't stop! Don't stop!" Derek yelled as him and the group ran through one of the examination rooms. Just when Clara and the two other werewolves were about run out the room, Clara caught a glimpse of Stiles. He was looking at his bat with determination, before positioning himself behind the door and not making an effort to move.

     Her eyes widened, "Stiles!"

     The Voltron twins busted into the room, their claws edging out and a booming howl rattling the room. Before Clara could stop him, Stiles swung his bag straight for the twin's head. The twins being an alpha and the piece of crap bat being wooden, Stiles' action didn't make much of a difference. Wood fragments scattered the ground, the bat no longer a bat anymore. Stiles' impulsive action only seemed to anger the twins more. 

     Stiles fearfully scampered behind the wolves. An adrenaline rush coursed through her veins as she glanced back at Derek, her eyes glowing a bright gold, "Give me a lift!"

     Derek quickly nodded, before cupping his hands together. The teenage werewolf jumped onto his hands and pushed herself up, reaching for one of the long fluorescent lights that hung on the ceiling. She gripped the edge of the light and swung it down, swinging it towards the Twins. Lucky enough for her, it hit the twins with a perfect hit. Sparks flew around them, giving Clara and the others enough time to get the hell out of that room. 

     The werewolves and Stiles caught up with Peter and found him in a dim lighted examination room. As a result from the whirling storm outside, all the lights and electricity in the hospital were off. The only thing keeping a tiny bit of electricity running through the system was the back-up generator, but Clara sensed it wasn't going to last much longer. Cora lied on one of the long, metal tables, having no signs of recovery or waking up soon. Hell, she barely looked alive. As Derek locked the double-doors, Clara checked the youngest Hale's pulse, letting out a small sigh of relief that blood was still pumping in her veins. 

     She was barely alive, but it was much better than completely dead.

     Peter glanced back at his nephew, "Where's the big guy?"

     "He's close."

     Stiles was the last to notice that Jennifer had taken' off during the fight, fleeing for her own survival, "What about Ms. Blake?" He questioned, looking at his two best friends for answers. But both Scott and Clara gently shook their head, slightly ashamed with themselves that they let her get away. Stiles grew frustrated, close to shouting, "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone? Are you kidding me?"

     "Shh!" Derek hissed, his head snapping towards the teenagers, "Be quiet!"

     "Me be quiet? Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend, the second one you've dated, by the way, has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed!" 

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