03 | fast and furious

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        They ran, they ran like hell.

        The three raging werewolves had no idea where they were going except into the preserve. All of their heads were pounding and if was like their body was on fire, on a high dosage of the full moon's effects. Since the werewolves haven't felt the full moon for a number of months, the moon's effects were times 3 for them.

        It was like a blur for them; quickly running past all the trees and slumps made it seemed like they were doing the running version of Fast and Furious. While Boyd and Cora were fully transformed, Clara wasn't. Since the two others haven't felt the moon for four months, they were more rapid and blood thirsty than Clara was. Clara was still scratching the surface of her human side while the others were out for the cold-blooded kill.

        Along their run, Boyd split up from the two girls, running towards a more clear area. Neither girls cared, more focused on the scent of human blood that was getting closer and closer. There was screaming, high pitched and terrified. But the scream was short lived and a female voice calling out a name was what caught the two werewolves' attention.

        "Emily? Emily!" A girl said, slowly circling in place while looking for someone. She was near a tiny fire pit and a medium sized tent. The area it self was like a large clear circle surrounded by trees.

        Cora and Clara slowly walked along the dirt trail, growling as their claws urged to rip that random girl apart. The girl froze once hearing the growling before quickly whipping around, now facing the two craving werewolves who looked at her like their next meal.

        Both werewolves howled, ready to attack, until someone jumped out from the trees across from them. The person looked up; low and behold it was Isaac. But Clara was too consumed into her wolf side to say hello and make chit-chat. The two girls howled viciously at him, causing a small smirk to play on his pink lips.

        He then sprinted towards them, more directly towards Clara. Clara lashed her arm at him but he ducked it, instead painfully whacking her in the face. He punched Cora down as well, making them both on the ground as he stood above them, panting. Clara's human and wolf side was both yelling at her to choke him with that damn scarf around his neck.

        Clara was the first to get out, grabbing Isaac by the collar and shoving him away from them. He smacked into a large branch from a tree before falling face first into the dirt. The two girls were up and at em', growling like it they were tempting him to try and fight them.

        Another person jumped over Isaac and kicked into the their legs, knocking the girls down. Judging by the scent Clara got a whiff at, she knew it was Scott. Now it was Isaac and Scott vs. Cora and Clara. Little by little, Clara's human side was coming out but she was too deep into her blood lust to care that she wanted to skin both boys. 

        She was vicious, angry, and most of all, reckless. At this very moment, under the missing full moons effects, she didn't care if she killed one person or a dozen. At this moment, Clara just wanted to kill. Derek appeared out of the bushes, his eyes glowing red as he growled loudly at them. The two girls growled back, not caring that it was one of their brothers or the others ex-boyfriend.

        Realizing that there was no way they could take on three werewolves, Cora and Clara were quick to run the hell out. Isaac and Derek ran after while Scott stayed behind to help the girl that was almost attacked. While the boys were fast, the girls were much faster and were able to make the boys loose their scent. But along the road they were following, Clara felt like an impact was being lifted off of her, causing her to slow down her speed.

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