14 | chessboard

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"Dad, we have something to tell you."

Minutes after the two werewolves and Stiles arrived at his house, the Sheriff had finally shown up. He had stormed into Stiles' bedroom in an annoyed yet exhausted manner, wearing his police uniform along with it. Cora was uncomfortably sitting on the bed, her head hanging low as the others did all the talking. Stiles and Clara, however, were standing side-by-side in front of Mr. Stilinski, nervously bracing themselves for revealing the supernatural of Beacon Hills. She knew that Stiles would want to have a son-father sort of discussion since this was a very impacted moment but Clara promised that she would help out if needed.

Sheriff Stilinski squinted his eyes at the two teenagers, confused. "You two have to tell me something?"

"Yeah." Clara nodded, looking back at Stiles with anxious eyes. "It's pretty important."

Then, the Sheriff's eyes widened in horror. "Jesus, you're not pregnant, are you?"

"No!" The two teenagers both proclaimed loudly. Clara's lips pursed as she shook her head, awkwardly stating, "He, we didn't-, he didn't get me pregnant."

Stilinski rose his eyebrow cautiously. "STD?"

"No!" Clara howled once more, 'causing Stiles to run a stressful hand over his face. This was going to be more difficult then he realized. Her eyes flickered between the father and son before she pointed her thumb back at the bed, feeling like this conversation was already becoming unbearable for her. "Stiles, I'll let you tell him."

Clara slumped back down on the bed, sitting next to Cora as she watched the two Stilinskis'. Stiles became more anxious then her actually as he began to pace back and forth, a trait Clara noticed not to long ago. Anyone could tell that the young boy was waveringly high-strung, both werewolves being able to pick up his immense nerves spiking. 

"Yes!" Stiles acutely exclaimed, pausing his pacing for a moment, only for his courage to be devoured again. "No!"


Stiles grimaced at his father's annoyed tone, quick to apologize. "Dad, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just... I'm trying to... I'm just trying to figure out how to start here."

"Hey, I don't have time for this." His father said sternly as Clara frowned. She was well aware of how hard these sacrifices must be for the Sheriff and the police. It wasn't their fault they had no idea how the hellish creatures that roamed in this town. It must be incredibly stressful to be a policeman and unable to do your job.

"Okay." Stiles started to breath heavily as he started once more. "For the last year, you've had all these cases that you couldn't figure out, right? I mean, all the murders involving Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people who had drowned him, and all these murders right now. It's like - it's like you've been playing a losing game."

Clara winced at his statement, not liking how he was repeating what she said about being in a losing game. Not only that but how he mentioned that his own father was the one losing. Clara knew Stiles was rather a nervous wreck during this but his speeches weren't exactly help either. Sheriff Stilinski wasn't pleased either at his son's statement. "Stiles, the last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son."

Stiles couldn't help but flinch, realizing that he was starting off badly. "I know-" His eyes glanced around, like he was going to find the solution to his conundrum. That was until his brown orbs caught site of a limp chessboard that was on top of his dresser. His mind re-winded to earlier this morning in Jennifer Blake's class when they were talking about idioms and he had brought up how his father played chess. Stiles grasped the chessboard and held it in front of him, now placing all his words together. "The reason that you're losing the game is 'cause you've never been able to see the whole board." His shaking hands dropped the chessboard onto the small table and opened it, all the chess pieces lying right there. "I need to show you the whole board."

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